abpin / vBilling

First Open Source Billing Platform for FreeSWITCH

Home Page:http://www.vbilling.org/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

                             Table of content

- About vBilling
- Features
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Contact information

                             What is vBilling

Team Digital Linx proudly presets, vBilling. An open source alternative billing
solution for FreeSWITCH. While utilizing the power of FreeSWITCH you can 
actually start your own VoIP business and even migrate an existing billing 
solution. You can create your own calling card services, SMS gateway, voice mail
and much more. You can also manage your VoIP wholesale business. And all of
this is done by a single web based interface. You would never have to leave the
beautifully designed web based GUI to do anything with FreeSWITCH.

Open Source software is mature and powerful. All components in this platform are 
fully open source. Which means you can download the software, configure and run
it. You can even change and re-distribute. Without any obligations! We developed 
vBilling using PHP and have used MySQL as the database layer.


There are tons of features we support. All of them are configurable via the web
interface. A few of them are:

- Customer add/modify/delete
   - IP termination
   - SIP authentication
   - Prepaid and/or postpaid
   - Prepaid customer will not be able to make calls if the balance drops
     below 0
   - Postpaid customers can still make calls down to their credit limit
   - Limit the maximum number of calls per customer and/or per gateway
   - You can even control the maximum simultaneous calls per customer
   - Maximum simultaneous calls per gateway
   - Tons of media handling options
   - We even support codec transcoding :)

- Multiple administration levels
   - Able to create/edit/delete multiple administrators
   - Every administrator can have an assigned role/access

- Reseller management
   - Create/edit/delete resellers
   - Unlimited number of reseller support
   - Every reseller can manage their own customer
- Provider add/modify/delete
   - Costs for provider routes based on area code
   - Limit max channels by each provider

- Extensive call and financial reporting screens

- CDR export to csv file.

- Billing, invoicing

- Built-in customer support system

- Distributed setup. Multiple FreeSWITCH instances being managed from 1 single
  installation of vBilling

- Able to handle a high number of concurrent calls. Yes are talking about 300+
  calls per system installation (based on specific hardware configuration)

... and much more :)


In order to run vBilling, you need the following configured and working

Basic Operating System (CentOS > 6.x or any Debian based distro). That's it!!
We have made installation scripts to make sure we take care of everything from
first installation to complex upgrades and distributed setups. All you would
have to do is to run the installer, answer a few prompts, sit back and enjoy the

                             Contact Information

Name: Team - Digital Linx
Email: vbilling@digitallinx.com
Website: http://www.vbilling.org/
Support: http://support.vbilling.org/


First Open Source Billing Platform for FreeSWITCH
