aboxofsox / noQuery

A reqlly dumb implementation of jQuery-like syntax.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A really dumb implementation of jQuery-like syntax.

First and foremost, it should go without saying, if you care about the quality of your code do not use this library. It's bad voodoo to create new prototype methods. Anyways, this really isn't for anyone that actually cares about code, it does target jQuery users after all...


The best way to use this library is to just import the CDN.


import noQuery from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/aboxofsox/noQuery@main/dist/noQuery.min.js'

Then call noQuery.init() to initialize the awfulness.


Just like jQuery, we can use $.


Easy peasy.


For now, this library only supports element.on(), but it looks something like:

$('#some-id').on('click', e => console.log(e.target.textContent))


You can even do styles like jQuery

$('#some-id').css('background-color', 'blue')
$('#some-id').css('font-family', 'sans-serif')

I'll have to revisit the logic for this since it doesn't account for something like list-style-type.

Each, Element Creation, and Append

We can iterate through an array or nodelist, create an element, and append it to whatever. Do note tha the syntax for element creation is $_(tagname).

const arr = ['bob', 'sally', 'mitch', 'randy']
arr.each(i => {
  const li = $_('li')

Oh, and you can set or read the text with $('#some-id').text()


You can get or set the attribute

$('#some-id').attr('some-attribute') // reads the attribute
$('#some-id').attr('some-attribute', 'value') // sets the attribute

Width and Height

We can ge the width and height of an element


First and Last

We can get the first and/or last element in a nodelist.

$('#list li').first()
$('#list li').last()

Fade in, Fade out, and Hide

We can fade elements in and out, or hide them.

$('#fadeOut-btn').on('click', _ => $('#some-id').fadeOut())
$('#fadeIn-btn').on('click', _ => $('#some-id').fadeIn())
$('#hide-btn').on('click', _ => $('#hide-btn').hide())

$().show() is currently in the works.

Toggle switch

toggle() takes in two functions, and toggles between them.

  _ => $('#target').fadeOut(),
  _ $('#target).fadeIn()


  • show()
  • toggle()
  • Specific event listeners $('#some-id').mouseenter(() => {})
  • Fix known issues with the document.querySelctorAll() binding.
  • Transitions
  • Slide in and out
  • Slide direction

Again, and I can't stress this enough, this wasn't meant to be used in a production environment. I just wanted to see if it were possible to create such a syntax without the bloaty garbage that came with jQuery. Turns out, you can, but with limitations if you don't handle the state of things.


A reqlly dumb implementation of jQuery-like syntax.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%