aboutte / tenant-terraform-generator

Terraform code generation from Duplo tenant.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Terraform code generation for a DuploCloud Tenant

This utility provides a way to export the terraform code that represents the infrastructure deployed in a DuploCloud Tenant. This is often very useful in order to:

  • Generate and persist DuploCloud Terraform IaC which can be version controlled in the future.
  • Clone a new Tenant based on an already existing Tenant.


  1. Install Go 1.15 or later.
  2. Install make tool.
  3. Install Terraform version greater than or equals to v0.14.11
  4. Install jq
  5. Following environment variables to be exported in the shell while running this projects.
# Required Vars
export customer_name="duplo-masp"
export tenant_name="test"
export duplo_host="https://msp.duplocloud.net"
export duplo_token="xxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx"
export AWS_RUNNER="duplo-admin"
export aws_account_id="1234567890"

You can optionally pass following environment variables.

# Optional Vars
export duplo_provider_version="0.9.0" # DuploCloud provider version to be used..
export tenant_project="admin-tenant" # Project name for tenant, Default is admin-tenant.
export aws_services_project="aws-services" #  Project name for tenant, Default is aws-services.
export app_project="app" #  Project name for tenant, Default is app.
export skip_admin_tenant="true" # Whether to skip tf generation for admin-tenant, Default is false.
export skip_aws_services="true" # Whether to skip tf generation for aws_services, Default is false.
export skip_app="true" # Whether to skip tf generation for app, Default is false.
export tf_version=0.14.11  # Terraform version to be used, Default is 0.14.11.
export validate_tf="false" # Whether to validate generated tf code, Default is true.
export generate_tf_state="false" # Whether to import generated tf resources, Default is false. 
                                 # If true please use 'AWS_PROFILE' environment variable, This is required for s3 backend.
  1. Set DISABLETFSTATERESOURCECREATION key as false in DuploCloud. Please contact the DuploCloud team for assistance.

How to run this project to export DuploCloud Provider terraform code?

  • Clone this repository.

  • Prepare environment variables and export within the shell as mentioned above.

  • Run using following command

    make run
  • Output : target folder is created along with customer name and tenant name as mentioned in the environment variables. This folder will contain all terraform projects as mentioned below.

    ├── target                   # Target folder for terraform code
    │   ├── customer-name        # Folder with customer name
    │     ├── tenant-name        # Folder with tenant name
    │       ├── scripts          # Wrapper scripts to plan, apply and destroy terarform infrastructure.
    │       ├── terraform        # Terraform code generated using this utility.
    │          ├── admin-tenant  # Terraform code for tenant and tenant related resources.
    │          ├── aws-services  # Terraform code for AWS services.
    │          ├── app           # Terraform code for DuploCloud services and ECS.
    • Project : admin-tenant This projects manages creation of DuploCloud tenant and tenant related resources.
    • Project : aws-services This project manages data services like Redis, RDS, Kafka, S3 buckets, Cloudfront, EMR, Elastic Search inside DuploCloud.
    • Project : app This project manages DuploCloud services like EKS, ECS etc.

Following DuploCloud resources are supported.

  • duplocloud_tenant
  • duplocloud_tenant_network_security_rule
  • duplocloud_asg_profile
  • duplocloud_aws_host
  • duplocloud_aws_kafka_cluster
  • duplocloud_rds_instance
  • duplocloud_ecache_instance
  • duplocloud_s3_bucket
  • duplocloud_aws_sns_topic
  • duplocloud_aws_sqs_queue
  • duplocloud_duplo_service
  • duplocloud_duplo_service_lbconfigs
  • duplocloud_duplo_service_params
  • duplocloud_ecs_task_definition
  • duplocloud_ecs_service
  • duplocloud_aws_mwaa_environment
  • duplocloud_aws_elasticsearch
  • duplocloud_k8_secret
  • duplocloud_k8_config_map
  • duplocloud_k8_ingress
  • duplocloud_k8_secret_provider_class
  • duplocloud_aws_ssm_parameter
  • duplocloud_aws_load_balancer
  • duplocloud_aws_load_balancer_listener
  • duplocloud_aws_api_gateway_integration
  • duplocloud_aws_ecr_repository
  • duplocloud_aws_cloudfront_distribution
  • duplocloud_aws_lambda_function
  • duplocloud_aws_lambda_permission
  • duplocloud_aws_dynamodb_table_v2
  • duplocloud_byoh
  • duplocloud_emr_cluster
  • duplocloud_aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm
  • duplocloud_aws_cloudwatch_event_rule
  • duplocloud_aws_cloudwatch_event_target
  • duplocloud_aws_target_group_attributes
  • duplocloud_aws_lb_listener_rule
  • duplocloud_aws_batch_scheduling_policy
  • duplocloud_aws_batch_job_definition
  • duplocloud_aws_batch_compute_environment
  • duplocloud_aws_batch_job_queue
  • duplocloud_aws_timestreamwrite_database
  • duplocloud_aws_timestreamwrite_table

How to use generated terraform code to create a new DuploCloud Tenant, and its resources?


  1. Following environment variables to be exported in the shell while running this terraform projects.
export AWS_RUNNER=duplo-admin
export tenant_id="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # Put default tenant Id here.
export duplo_host="https://msp.duplocloud.net"
export duplo_token="<duplo-auth-token>"
export aws_account_id="1234567890"
  1. To run terraform projects you must be in tenant-name directory.
cd target/customer-name/tenant-name

Wrapper Scripts

There are scripts to manage terraform infrastructure. Which will helps to create a DuploCloud infrastructure based on tenant.

  • scripts/plan.sh
  • scripts/apply.sh
  • scripts/destroy.sh

Arguments to run the scripts.

  • First Argument: Name of the new tenant to be created.
  • Second Argument: Terraform project name. Valid values are - admin-tenant, aws-services and app.

Terraform Projects

This infrastructure is divided into terraform sub projects which manages different managed DuploCloud resources like tenant, AWS services like Redis, RDS, Kafka, S3 buckets, Elastic Search and DuploCloud services which are containerized.

  • Project - admin-tenant

    This projects manages DuploCloud infrastructure and tenant, Run this project using following command using tenant-name and project name.

    • Dry-run

      •  scripts/plan.sh <tenant-name> admin-tenant
    • Actual Deployment

      • scripts/apply.sh <tenant-name> admin-tenant
    • Destroy created infrastructure

      • scripts/destroy.sh <tenant-name> admin-tenant

    Note : Please provide required variables infra_name and cert_arn in vars.tf.

  • Project - aws-services

    This project manages AWS services like Redis, RDS, Kafka, S3 buckets, Elastic Search, etc. inside DuploCloud.

    • Dry-run

      •  scripts/plan.sh <tenant-name> aws-services
    • Actual Deployment

      • scripts/apply.sh <tenant-name> aws-services
    • Destroy created infrastructure

      • scripts/destroy.sh <tenant-name> aws-services
  • Project - app

    This project manages containerized applications inside DuploCloud like EKS services, ECS, Docker Native service etc.

    • Dry-run

      •  scripts/plan.sh <tenant-name> app
    • Actual Deployment

      • scripts/apply.sh <tenant-name> app
    • Destroy created infrastructure

      • scripts/destroy.sh <tenant-name> app

External Configurations (Manual Step)

End user can pass external configurations like RDS instance type, ES version, Docker image version etc. while running these projects.

How to create configuration file

  • Create configuration folder inside config folder with the name of tenant, Example, Tenant Name is dev01 then dev01 folder is created inside config folder first.

  • File - admin-tenant.tfvars.json

    • This file is used while running Project - admin-tenant, You can create file admin-tenant.tfvars.json and pass required configuration.
  • File - aws-services.tfvars.json

    • This file is used while running Project - aws-services, You can create file aws-services.tfvars.json and pass required configuration.
  • File - app.tfvars.json

    • This file is used while running Project - app, You can create file app.tfvars.json and pass required configuration.

      ├── target                                  # Target folder for terraform code
      │   ├── customer-name                       # Folder with customer name
      │     ├── tenant-name                       # Folder with tenant name
      │       ├── config                          # External configuration folder.
      │          ├── dev01                        # Tenant specific config folder.
      │             ├── admin-tenant.tfvars.json  # admin-tenant project variables.
      │             ├── aws-services.tfvars.json  # aws-services project variables.
      │             ├── app.tfvars.json           # app project variables.


If you have enhancements, improvements or fixes, we would love to have your contributions.


If you want to add support of new resource, Follow the steps below.


Terraform code generation from Duplo tenant.


Language:Go 98.1%Language:Shell 1.8%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%Language:Makefile 0.0%