aboodman / docs

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Dolt & DoltHub Documentation


This repository contains Dolt and DoltHub documentation.

GitBook Hosting

We use GitBook to publish our documentation, and delegate the subdomain docs.dolthub.com to dolt.gitbook.io. GitBook operates by syncing the contents of this repository. The GitBook/GitHub integration is documented here.

Using GitBook requires us to adopt their model of content structuring in order to properly render our markdown. The restrictions are as follows:

  • the root directory is set in .gitbook.yaml
  • assets, i.e. images, need to live in content/.gitbook/assets
  • the content structure is configured in content/SUMMARY.md

Contribution Workflow

We have two GitBook "spaces", one for development and review, and one for production:

  • "Dolt", which docs.dolthub.com links to, and syncs off of gitbook-publish
  • "Dolt Dev", which is dolt.gitbook.io/dolt-dev, and syncs off of gitbook-dev

To make a contribution create a feature branch, either in a fork or in this repository, and then make a PR against gitbook-dev. This can be reviewed and merged, which will result in it being deployed to "Dolt Dev" space. Once it has been reviewed in GitBook we can merge gitbook-dev to gitbook-publish, and it will land in production.

To recap:

  • make changes on your-feature-branch
  • review and merge to gitbook-dev, gitbook-dev syncs to Dolt Dev
  • once you are satisfied with your changes, merge gitbook-dev to gitbook-publish, at which point your changes will sync'd to production

The following diagram illustrates the workflow: GitHub/GitBook Workflow

Outstanding Items

There are few things that need doing to sync our documentation with our release automation process:

  • fix some dead links from the migration
  • Dolt to generate CLI docs
  • Doltpy to generate API docs

Check Dead Links

This tool is free and works quite well if you just pass the dev URL, https://dolt.gitbook.io/dolt-dev/, into it.
