aboSamoor / TMN-Project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Parsing part
1-To run the proxy install python and  python-twisted package. sudo apt-get install python-twisted
2-Run the following command after installing the attached proxy2.py script
	python ./proxy &
3-The script will store the log in the same folder with the name log
4-Direct your firefox traffic through the proxy by configuring your network settings as the following
5-You can try getting the results by running 
	python ./parse  PathToProxyLog/log PathToTMNLog/tmn_log.txt >> results.csv
	The logic behind the merging method should be improved, but we can start with this version.

QueryDistance using DISCO
1. A folder "inputs" with a file "queryFile.csv" in it. The "inputs" folder should be in the same folder as QueryRunnable.jar
2. "queryFile.csv" should be a comma separated file with no Header, in the format [QUERY,TYPE,TIME] where TYPE can take values 'U' or 'T'

1. A "matrix.csv" is created in the same folder as "QueryRunnable.jar"
2. Any existing "matrix.csv" will be overwritten

Command-line arguments:
1. Location of the repository
2. -s or -s2

$java -jar QueryRunnable.jar /home/nikhil/cse509/en_wikipedia-20080101 -s




Language:Python 44.0%Language:C++ 39.4%Language:Java 13.3%Language:Ruby 3.3%