abinashpanda / frontend-starter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Frontend starter kit for building web applications with React and Typescript.

Tech Stack

Libraries Used

  • constate - Library to uplift local state to global using React Context with minimal effort.
  • react-query - Library to manage data fethcing (caching and updating) states
  • antd - UI Library
  • tailwindcss - Utility-first CSS framework
  • react-router-dom - Router
  • axios - Promise based HTTP client

Code Quality Tools



npm install


yarn install

NPM Scripts

  • npm run dev or yarn dev - Run dev server
  • npm run build or yarn build - Compiles and bundles the application
  • npm run lint or yarn lint - Validate the code using ESLint
  • npm run format or yarn format - Format code using Prettier

Project Setup

Directory Structure

The codebase is divided into multiple folders

  • pages - directory containing all the components for each page
  • components - directory containing all the components used across multiple pages
  • hooks - directory containing all the hooks used across multiple pages and components
  • utils - directory containing all the helper (or utility) functions used across multiple pages and components
  • queries - directory containing all the queries (query and mutation functions) used across multiple pages and components

The core philosophy is directory structure is colocation. All the components, queries, hooks, utils, etc used in a particular page should be present with the page directory. Once the component or hook or util or query is used accross multiple pages it should be uplifted to its corresponding directory.

  |--📁pages // directory containing all the page components
  |  |--📁home
  |     |--index.ts
  |     |--⚛️home.tsx
  |     |--📁components // directory containing all the components that are only used in the home page
  |     |  |--⚛️project-stats.tsx
  |     |--📁queries // directory containing all the queries used only in the home page
  |     |  |--projects.ts
  |     |--📁hooks // directory containing all the hooks used only in the home page
  |        |--⚛️use-project-data.ts
  |--📁components // directory containing all the components that are using accross multiple pages or multiple components
  |  |--📁app-shell
  |     |--index.ts
  |     |--app-shell.tsx
  |     |--📁components // directory containing all the components used in app-shell only
  |         |--app-shell-link.tsx
  |--📁hooks // directory containing all the hooks used across multiple pages or components
  |  |--⚛️use-auth.ts
  |--📁utils // directory containing all the helper functions used across multiple pages and components

Project Scaffolding

This project uses hygen for generating code using templates. For each template a prompt would be shown.

Make sure to provide all the names in kebab-case.

Scaffolding Page

  • npx hygen page new

    field description
    name Name of the page. Make sure to use kebab-case name.

    It would create the page directory (src/pages/page-name) with index.ts and <name>.tsx files.

  • npx hygen page sub-component

    field description
    name Name of the Component.
    parent Name of the page where this sub-component is to be created

    It would create the <name>.tsx inside src/pages/<parent>/components/ directory.

  • npx hygen page hook

    field description
    name Name of the Make sure the hook-name doesn't contain use word. The hook file and function would be prefixed with use word automatically.
    parent Name of the page where this sub-component is to be created

    It would create use-<name>.tsx inside src/pages/<parent>/hooks/ directory.

Scaffolding Components

  • npx hygen component new

    field description
    name Name of the page. Make sure to use kebab-case name.

    It would create the component directory (src/components/<name>) with index.ts and <name>.tsx files.

  • npx hygen component sub-component

    field description
    name Name of the Component.
    parent Name of the component where this sub-component is to be created

    It would create the <name>.tsx inside src/components/<parent>/components/ directory.

Scaffolding Hooks

  • npx hygen hook new

    field description
    name Name of the Make sure the hook-name doesn't contain use word. The hook file and function would be prefixed with use word automatically.

    It would create use-<name>.tsx inside src/hooks/ directory. Make sure the hook-name doesn't contain use word. The hook file and function would be prefixed with use word automatically.

Backend Integration

Enviroment Variables


For example if using the Strapi, you can use the environment variables such as



This starter project implements basic authentication. This assumes that we have 2 API endpoints

  • /auth/local - Authentication API

    Request Body
    field type description
    identifier string email or username
    password string password
      "jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwiaWF0IjoxNjcwNTg4MTczLCJleHAiOjE2NzMxODAxNzN9.xNbyaxTNHunIeOzcfV-7nF8aAOjQKXm3NGO40ozw2Ro",
      "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "username": "abinash",
        "email": "abinash@coinfeeds.io",
        "provider": "local",
        "confirmed": true,
        "blocked": false,
        "createdAt": "2022-12-09T07:59:32.460Z",
        "updatedAt": "2022-12-09T07:59:32.460Z"
  • /users/me - API to fetch user information

      "id": 1,
      "username": "abinash",
      "email": "abinash@coinfeeds.io",
      "provider": "local",
      "confirmed": true,
      "blocked": false,
      "createdAt": "2022-12-09T07:59:32.460Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-12-09T07:59:32.460Z"



Language:TypeScript 59.5%Language:JavaScript 22.9%Language:EJS 14.1%Language:HTML 2.2%Language:CSS 1.0%Language:Shell 0.4%