abij / singerio-tap-surveymonkey

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a Singer tap that produces JSON-formatted data following the Singer spec.

This tap:

  • Pulls raw data from SurveyMonkey

  • Extracts the following resources:

    • Surveys
    • Responses
    • Simplified Responses
  • Outputs the schema for each resource

  • Incrementally pulls data based on the input state

To pull all surveys, the configuration parameters access_token and start_date are required.

To pull responses or simplified responses for a survey, the configuration parameters access_token, start_date, and survey_id are required. The parameter fetch_per_page (default: 50, max: 100) is optional to adjust the response-size for faster response times or larger batches thereby and reduced number of API-calls.

The surveys and responses resources will pull data in the form described on the SurveyMonkey API docs.

The Simplified Responses resource will pull a Response schema, with an extra key simple_text embedded in each of the answer dictionaries, which is a human-readable form of the survey respondent's response to question. It also contains the family, subtype, and heading keys in the question object, for easy reference.

Quick Start

  1. Install

    Clone this repo

    git clone ...

    We recommend using a virtualenv:

    virtualenv -p python3 venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip3 install -e .
  2. Create a SurveyMonkey access token

    Login to your SurveyMonkey account, go to developer.surveymonkey.com/apps, and create a new app (private if you aren't sure what to pick), with the scopes you require (for complete functionality of this tap, you'll need View Surveys, View Responses, View Response Details).

    You can then get an access token from the Settings page of your newly created app.

  3. Set up your config file.

    An example config file is provided in sample_config.json, the access token and survey in that file are invalid, and will error out. Replace them with your own valid ones.

    survey_id is required only for the responses and simplified_responses streams. It can be acquired either by running the tap with the survey_details stream, or by using the /v3/surveys endpoint on the SurveyMonkey API.

  4. Run the tap in discovery mode to get catalog.json file.

    tap-surveymonkey --config config.json --discover > catalog.json
  5. In the generated catalog.json file, select the streams to sync.

    Each stream in the catalog.json file has a schema entry. To select a stream to sync, add "selected": true to that stream's schema entry. For example, to sync the survey_details stream:

    "tap_stream_id": "survey_details",
        "schema": {
            "selected": true,
            "properties": {
  6. Run the application

    tap-surveymonkey can be run with:

    tap-surveymonkey --config config.json --catalog catalog.json
  7. To run with Stitch Import API with dry run:

    tap-surveymonkey --config config.json --catalog catalog.json | target-stitch --config target_config.json --dry-run > state.json






While developing the tap, run pylint to improve better code quality which is recommended by Singer.io best practices.

pylint tap_surveymonkey -d missing-docstring -d logging-format-interpolation -d too-many-locals -d too-many-arguments

To check the tap and verify working, install singer-tools.

tap-surveymonkey --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json | singer-check-tap


License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%