abicorios / OxidEshopInstallment

The solution of the test task https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1drDJmsZ9IEB7ZD4oNTHzS34uO5L-5eCt

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Oxid Eshop Installment

This repository contains the solution for the test task found here: Test Task.

Development Environment

Edit the /etc/hosts file and add the line: localhost.local

To set up the development environment, follow these steps:

mkdir oxideshop
cd oxideshop
git clone git@github.com:OXID-eSales/docker-eshop-sdk.git .
git clone git@github.com:OXID-eSales/docker-eshop-sdk-recipes.git recipes/oxid-esales
cd recipes/oxid-esales
git checkout b-6.4.x
cd ../..

Access the website at: http://localhost.local/

Access MySQL at: http://localhost.local:8080/ (login: root, pass: root)

Access the admin panel at: http://localhost.local/admin (login: admin, pass: admin)

Access Mailhog at: http://localhost.local:8025/

The main directory contains files and subdirectories with container settings. For more information about container-related commands, run make help. The source subdirectory includes the composer.json file and a vendor subdirectory. The source/source subdirectory contains the Oxid eShop source code.

You can open the source subdirectory (which contains the composer.json file) in your IDE to use information about PHP libraries.

For optimizing the container setup, you can remove selenium, seleniumfirefox, and mailhog from the docker-compose.yml file. Afterward, execute make down and make up to apply the changes.

In VS Code, you can add the subdirectory of the developing module to the workspace for managing the module's repository. Go to File -> Add Folder to Workspace.... To avoid confusion, you can rename the repository of the source subdirectory, for example, to source/.git.b, or use Close Repository from the context menu.


In containers/php/xdebug.ini, set xdebug.start_with_request=yes. Then run make down and make up to apply the changes. In source/.vscode/launch.json, configure as follows:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Listen for XDebug",
            "type": "php",
            "request": "launch",
            "port": 9003,
            "pathMappings": {
                "/var/www/html/source": "${workspaceFolder}/source"

Learning Module Creation

For learning about module creation, you can refer to the following resources:

Installing and Updating Modules during Development

To initiate module development, create the directory source/modules/abicorios/OxidEshopInstallment and add the files metadata.php, composer.json, and views/admin/blocks/article_main__admin_article_main_extended.tpl (first few commits of this repository). In the main source/composer.json file, include:

"repositories": {
    "abicorios/installment": {
        "type": "path",
        "url": "./source/modules/abicorios/OxidEshopInstallment/"

To install the module, follow these steps:

make up
make php
composer require abicorios/installment -n
php bin/oe-console oe:module:install-configuration source/modules/abicorios/OxidEshopInstallment # apply metadata changes
rm -rf source/tmp/* # clear templates cache to apply template changes

Frequently used admin pages: Extensions -> Modules (list of modules), Service -> Tools -> Update DB Views now (to apply changes in the database).

Also, to update admin pages, it can be useful to use the Reload frame option from the browser context menu.


Documentation: https://docs.oxid-esales.com/developer/en/6.4/development/tell_me_about/migrations.html, https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-migrations/en/2.2/reference/migration-classes.html#migration-classes, see also source/migration/data

Generate migration files:

make php
php vendor/bin/oe-eshop-db_migrate generate abicorios_installment

Run migrations:

php vendor/bin/oe-eshop-db_migrate migrate abicorios_installment


Follow these steps to create a Digital Ocean Droplet with Docker Compose using this guide: https://github.com/abicorios/digital.ocean.docker.compose.doc

  1. Log in as a user via SSH.

  2. Install the OXID eShop, following the same steps as in the development environment:

    mkdir oxideshop
    cd oxideshop
    git clone git@github.com:OXID-eSales/docker-eshop-sdk.git .
    git clone git@github.com:OXID-eSales/docker-eshop-sdk-recipes.git recipes/oxid-esales
    cd recipes/oxid-esales
    git checkout b-6.4.x
    cd ../..
  3. Edit docker-compose.yml and remove the following services: mailhog, adminer, selenium, seleniumfirefox. Then execute make down and make up to apply the changes. Log in to https://your.domain.com/admin and update the admin password. To access the MySQL database, use the following command: docker compose exec mysql mysql -u root -proot -D example.

  4. Replace localhost.local with your domain name in these files: docker-compose.yml, services/php.yml, source/source/config.inc.php, and containers/httpd/project.conf. Additionally, add your domain to the .env file after APP_DOMAIN= and add your email after MY_EMAIL=.

  5. Add the certbot service to the docker-compose.yml file:

      image: certbot/certbot
      container_name: certbot
        - certbot-etc:/etc/letsencrypt
        - certbot-var:/var/lib/letsencrypt
        - ./source/source:/var/www
        - ./source/source/.well-known:/var/www/.well-known
        - ./source/source/.well-known/acme-challenge:/var/www/.well-known/acme-challenge
          condition: service_started
      command: certonly --webroot --webroot-path=/var/www --email ${MY_EMAIL} --agree-tos --no-eff-email --force-renewal -d ${APP_DOMAIN}

    Apply the changes by running make down and make up.

  6. Check the result of the certbot process with docker logs certbot. You should see a success message.

  7. Copy the generated certificates to the project:

    cp /var/lib/docker/volumes/oxideshop_certbot-etc/_data/live/your.domain.com/cert.pem ~/oxideshop/containers/httpd/certs/server.crt
    cp /var/lib/docker/volumes/oxideshop_certbot-etc/_data/live/your.domain.com/privkey.pem ~/oxideshop/containers/httpd/certs/server.key

    Apply the changes with make down and make up.

  8. Add a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS in the ~/oxideshop/source/source/.htaccess file within the <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> section:

    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
  9. Your website should now be accessible using HTTPS on your domain.

  10. Download the module:

cd ~/oxideshop/source/source/modules
mkdir abicorios
cd abicorios
git clone git@github.com:abicorios/OxidEshopInstallment.git
  1. Add the module to the source/composer.json file:
"repositories": {
    "abicorios/installment": {
        "type": "path",
        "url": "./source/modules/abicorios/OxidEshopInstallment/"
  1. Install the module:
cd ~/oxideshop
make php
composer require abicorios/installment -n
php bin/oe-console oe:module:install-configuration source/modules/abicorios/OxidEshopInstallment
rm -rf source/tmp/*
php vendor/bin/oe-eshop-db_migrate migrate abicorios_installment
  1. To enable the module, log in to the OXID eShop admin panel, navigate to Service -> Tools, and click on Update DB Views now. Then, proceed to Extensions -> Modules and activate the module.


The solution of the test task https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1drDJmsZ9IEB7ZD4oNTHzS34uO5L-5eCt


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