abhishh1 / dart_important_concepts

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Learn Dart Programming in depth. Most important topics for dart👇🏻

❗️Dart Basics :

  1. main method
  2. keywords types
  3. data types
  4. arithmetic operators
  5. var vs final vs const.
  6. string extensions

❗️Dart Flow

  1. if else statements
  2. while loops
  3. for loops
  4. switch statements
  5. break and continue

❗️Dart Collections

  1. Lists + List annotations
  2. Sets
  3. Maps
  4. Type casting
  5. Spread operators
  6. Collection → if + for

❗️Dart null safety

  1. The need of null safety.
  2. Nullable vs non nullable data
  3. Late keyword
  4. if null operator
  5. assertion operator
  6. Null safety with collections

❗️Dart Functions

  1. Function syntax
  2. Function arguments
  3. Return value
  4. Required and default values
  5. Named and positional args
  6. Arrow notation
  7. Global vs local scope
  8. Lambda functions
  9. Function types
  10. Closures
  11. forEach, map, iterable, reduce and toList methods

❗️Dart Classes

  1. Class syntax and basics
  2. Instance methods
  3. Constructors
  4. Immutable vs mutables
  5. const vs named constructor
  6. Static methods
  7. Private methods
  8. Getters and setters

❗️Dart Classes (Advanced)

  1. Inheritance
  2. The super constructor
  3. Abstract classes
  4. Class generics
  5. Factory methods
  6. JSON serialization

❗️Dart Extensions

  1. Creating mixins
  2. Creating extensions
  3. Generic extensions and mixins

❗️Dart Error Handling

  1. Errors basics
  2. Exception basics
  3. Assertions
  4. Exceptions: throw, try, catch, finally

❗️Asynchronous Dart

  1. Async and await
  2. Futures
  3. Streams
  4. Future generic methods
  5. Stream generic methods

☄️ My social handles

  1. Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/abhishvek/
  2. Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIxJGxcB4pSrIvuv8FyuqUA
  3. Twitter (X) : https://twitter.com/abhishvvek
  4. Linkein : https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhishvek/
