abhishektiwari / paper

Template repository to write academic research paper using markdown and generate PDF using Pandoc.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Paper Template

Template repository to write academic research paper using markdown and generate PDF using Pandoc.

  1. Create a new Github repository using this template by clicking Use this templateCreate a new repository.

  2. After creating a new repository, enable Workflow permissions to Read and write permissions for your Github repository by going to SettingsActionsGeneral. This allows Github Actions to build PDF output and upload it to release.

Steps for local build

  • Update paper metadata metadata.yaml
  • Update paper content article.md
  • Update the citation article.bibtex and cite them in article.md. See Pandoc guide on citation .
  • Add images to images folder and include them in article.md as markdown iamges. See Pandoc guide on images.
  • Run the build bash build.sh to generate article.pdf

Steps for Action build

  • Commit your paper changes and push.
  • If you have changed the following folders Github Action will perform article.pdf build. Due to large size of texlive-full, currently build takes anywhere between 6-8 minutes.
    • paper/**
    • paper/images/**
    • csl/**
    • data/templates/**
  • On successful build article.pdf will be uploaded to Releases section of your Github repository.


On Mac Install texlive, pandoc using brew,

brew install pandoc texlive graphviz

Install only required texlive packages,

sudo tlmgr install beamerarticle pgfpages amsmath amssymb setspace inputenc mathspec unicode-math lmodern xeCJK upquote parskip fancyvrb xcolor hang flushmargin bottom multiple adjustbox graphicx listings etoolbox fvextra multirow longtable booktabs array caption headsepline footsepline titling footnotebackref sourcesanspro mdframed csquotes pagecolor afterpage tikz hyperref bookmark biblatex selnolig natbib babel calc subcaption soul luacolor svg float ccicons datetime2 algorithm2e ifoddpage relsize neuralnetwork pgf

Alternatively, install texlive-full,

brew install pandoc texlive-full

Install Python packages using pip to run panflute filters.

pip install panflute graphviz

python3 -m pip install -U --no-cache-dir  \
            --config-settings="--global-option=build_ext" \
            --config-settings="--global-option=-I$(brew --prefix graphviz)/include/" \
            --config-settings="--global-option=-L$(brew --prefix graphviz)/lib/" \


Template repository to write academic research paper using markdown and generate PDF using Pandoc.

License:MIT License


Language:TeX 94.4%Language:Python 5.1%Language:Shell 0.5%