abhishekmunie / heroku-buildpack-webassets

Heroku buildpack which compiles and minifies html, css & javascript assets.

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Heroku Buildpack: WebAssets

This is a Heroku buildpack which compiles and minifies css, javascript & html assets.


Example usage:

$ ls -R *
_webassets.cfg              dynamicstyle.less           stylus.styl                 config.rb
sassystyle.scss             coffeescript.coffee         Cakefile                    main.js
html.jade                   package.json                Gruntfile.coffee


$ heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack https://github.com/abhishekmunie/heroku-buildpack-webassets.git

$ git push heroku master
-----> Heroku receiving push
-----> Fetching custom buildpack... cloning with git...done
-----> Web Assets app detected

The buildpack will detect your app as Web Assets if it has the file _webassets.cfg in the root.

This can be used in combination with ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi in order to support more complex use-cases.



The buildpack reads its configuration from _webassets.cfg using $ source _webassets.cfg. The options marked with *** if set will disable all operations under it. By default none of these options are set, except if explicitly specified.

EXCLUDE_DIRS                  : List of directories to be excluded, seperated by '|'.
                                (Default: '\..*|_.*|bak|config|sql|fla|psd|ini|log|sh|inc|swp|dist|tmp|node_modules|bin|plugins|libs|components)'

GRUNT_ONLY                    : Only uses Grunt to process assets *

  NO_SOURCE_MAP               : Doesn't generates source map

  NO_BOWER                    : Disables Bower *
    BOWER_OPTIONS             : Options that would be passed to `$ bower install `

  NO_CSS                      : Disables CSS related processings *

    NO_LESS                   : Disables LESS *
      LESS_OPTIONS            : Options that would be passed to `$ lessc `

    NO_STYLUS                 : Disables Stylus *
      STYLUS_OPTIONS          : Options that would be passed to `$ stylus `

    NO_SASS                   : Disables SASS *
      SASS_OPTIONS            : Options that would be passed to `$ sass - --update `
      COMPASS_OPTIONS         : Options that would be passed to `$ compass compile `

    NO_RECESS                 : Disable Recess *
      RECESS_LINT_OPTIONS     : Options that would be passed to `$ recess `
      RECESS_COMPILE_OPTIONS  : Options that would be passed to `$ recess --compile `
    NO_CSS_MIN                : Disables CSS Minifier *
      YUICOMPRESSOR_OPTIONS   : Options that would be passed to `$ java -jar yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar --type css `

  NO_JS                       : Disables JS related processings *

    NO_COFFEE_SCRIPT          : Disables CoffeeScript *
      CAKE_OPTIONS            : Options that would be passed to `$ cake build `
      NO_CS_IMPORTER          : Disables Importer for CoffeeScripts *
        IMPORTER_CS_OPTIONS   : Options that would be passed to `$ importer ` when used on .coffee
      CS_OPTIONS              : Options that would be passed to `$ coffee - --compile --output `

    NO_JS_IMPORTER            : Disables Importer for JavaScripts *
      IMPORTER_JS_OPTIONS     : Options that would be passed to `$ importer ` when used on .js

    USE_REQUIREJS             : Enables Require.js
      REQUIREJS_OPTIONS       : Options that would be passed to `$ r.js -o baseUrl=$BUILD_DIR `

    NO_CLOSURE_COMPILE        : Disables Google Closure Compiler*
      CLOSURE_COMPILE_OPTIONS : Options that would be passed to `$ java -jar compiler.jar `

  NO_HTML                     : Disables HTML related processings *
    NO_JADE                   : Disable Jade *
      JADE_OPTIONS            : Options that would be passed to `$ jade `
    NO_HTML_COMPRESSION       : Disables HTML Minifier *
      HTML_COMPRESSOR_OPTIONS : Options that would be passed to `$ java -jar htmlcompressor-1.5.3.jar  `
                                (Default: --recursive --simple-bool-attr --preserve-server-script --compress-css --compress-js --js-compressor closure -o)

USE_GRUNT                     : Uses grunt
  GRUNT_OPTIONS               : Options that would be passed to `$ grunt `


To modify this buildpack, fork it on Github. Push up changes to your fork, then create a test app with --buildpack <your-github-url> and push to it.

It starts with installing node, node modules and other dependencies. Then the following are processed:


Runs $ bower install to install Bower components.


  • Runs $ ./plugins/compile if exists to compile plugins.
  • Uses LESS node.js command-line binary to compile filename.less to filename.scss, excluding files in */plugins/* It simply runs $ lessc "$filename.less" > "$filename.scss" on all .less files. If SCSS is disabled it compiles to filename.css
  • Removes .less files
  • compiles stylus using stylus node module $ stylus
  • Removes .styl files
  • Followed by SASS Ruby gem to compile .scss & .sass files, excluding files in */plugins/* usng $ sass --update $BUILD_DIR:$BUILD_DIR
  • If the app has config.rb in root, Compass will be used inplace of standard scss compilation.
  • Removes .sass and .scss files
  • Runs recess lint and compile.
  • Uses YUI Compressor to minify filename.css and create filename.min.css. It simply runs $ java -jar yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar --type css on all .css files except those ending in .min.css.
  • It also creates a copy of filename.min.css file with first 8 characters of its sha1 (filename.<sha1:0:8>.css).


  • If repo has Cakefile in root it will be used instead to compile CoffeeScripts.
  • if no Cakefile, imports coffee-scripts using importer
  • If NO_CS_IMPORTER is set, uses coffee-script Node.js utility to compile all filename.coffee to filename.js by running $ coffee --compile --output ${BUILD_DIR} ${BUILD_DIR}.
  • Removes .coffee files
  • Unless NO_JS_IMPORTER is set, imports javascripts using importer
  • Runs requirejs $ r.js -o baseUrl=$BUILD_DIR
  • Uses Google Closure Compiler to minify filename.js and create filename.min.js. Simply runs $ java -jar compiler.jar on all .js files except those ending in .min.js. To customize compilation see Annotating JavaScript for the Closure Compiler and Advanced Compilation and Externs.
  • It also creates a copy of filename.min.js file with first 8 characters of its sha1 (filename.<sha1:0:8>.js). Files in 'libs' directories will be ignored.


  • Compiles Jade using $ jade $BUILD_DIR
  • Removes .jade files
  • Minfies all HTML using htmlcompressor


Just $ cd $BUILD_DIR and runs $ grunt .


Heroku buildpack which compiles and minifies html, css & javascript assets.


Language:Shell 96.9%Language:Ruby 3.1%