abhishek9sharma / nyctaxiserver

A python (flask-restplus) based Web API for returning statistics related to trips made by new york taxis based on Google BigQuery Data

Home Page:https://nyctaxitripsinfo.herokuapp.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A python (flask-restplus) based Web API for returning statistics related to trips made by new york taxis based on Google BigQuery Data. A very basic Data as a Service (DaaS) app. A demo has been deployed at https://nyctaxitripsinfo.herokuapp.com/.

On live demo there are currently some issues with the endpoint avg_fare_by_s2id

Steps to run

Preferably, run the below commands with sudo/admin privileges

  1. Python 3.5 or above and associated pip should be installed on the system (the code has been verified on Python 3.5.2). Following commands may be used if Python 3.5 or above and associated pip is not installed on your machine

             -- Linux (verfied on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS):  
                 test@testmachine:~/test/repodir$ sudo apt-get install python3
                 test@testmachine:~/test/repodir$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip 
  2. Virtual Environment Setup : (Required Only Once. If setup has been completed earlier, please go to Step 3)

    a. You may install/configure a virtual environment by running commands from bash shell as follows. (Note :In case python command on your machine points to Python 3+ environment, replace python3 with python in below commands)

         -- Linux (verfied on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS) 
             test@testmachine:~/test/repodir$ cd nyctaxiserver
             test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver$ python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
             test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver$ python3 -m virtualenv venvtaxiapi
             test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver$ source venvtaxiapi/bin/activate
             (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
         You should see the terminal as below after above commands
             (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver$

    b. You may also setup the environment using following commands from bash shell. You will need navigate (cd) to the folder nyctaxiserver (the one that contains the file README.md and folder app ) and then run below commands to install and activate the virtual environment in which the API server would run. (Note : In case python command on your machine points to Python 3+ environment, please replace python3 with python in the envsetup.sh file)

         -- Linux (verfied on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS):  
             test@testmachine:~/test/repodir$ cd nyctaxiserver
             test@testmachine:~/test/repodir$ chmod a+x envsetup.sh
             test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver$ source envsetup.sh
     You should see the terminal as below after above commands
             (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver$
  3. Activate Virtual Environment : Do this step if conifguration (Step 2) has already been setup earlier, and you want to just activate the virtual environment. If you just perfromed Step 2, you may ignore this step if coming from Step 2, as Step 2 should have already activated the environment (venvtaxiapi)

    Navigate (cd) to the folder nyctaxiserver folder and run the following commands to run the API server

     -- Linux (verfied on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS):   
         test@testmachine:~/test/repodir$ cd nyctaxiserver
         test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver$ source venvtaxiapi/bin/activate/

    You should see the terminal as below after above commands

         (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver$
  4. Start Server From the bash cell (or command line) by running the following command. The virtual environment should already be active based on Steps 3 or 4.

     -- Linux (verfied on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS):   
         (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver$ python runserver.py

    In case this step is successfull you should see the server running at 'http://localhost:5000/' (you can change port number using Step 7)

  5. Google S2Geometry Build : In case running the above command displays Could not load google S2Geometry will be using s2sphere for s2id computation then you will have to build the S2Geometry library on your system in case you want S2IDs based on S2Geometry. To do this you should to either of the following steps

    -- Install using the script provided : Navigate to the folder make2idpackage present at test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver/make2idpackage/$ and run the command ./make_s2python_package.sh. The following steps should achieve it (sudo privileges are required so you may have to enter root password when asked)

         -- Linux (verfied on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS):   
             (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver$ cd makes2idpackage
             (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver/makes2idpackage$ chmod a+x make_s2python_package.sh
             (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver/makes2idpackage$ ./make_s2python_package.sh
             (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver/makes2idpackage$ cd ..
             (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver$ python runserver.py
         Please Make sure that  `(venvtaxiapi)` is actcvated in the shell. If not activate it and then run the server. Following should be the sequence then.
             (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver$ cd makes2idpackage
             (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver/makes2idpackage$ chmod a+x make_s2python_package.sh
             (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver/makes2idpackage$ ./make_s2python_package.sh
             test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver/makes2idpackage$ cd ..
             test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver$ source venvtaxiapi/bin/activate/
             (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver$ python runserver.py

    -- Install using offficial documentation : Build based on steps present at http://s2geometry.io/about/platforms.html. Then you will need to copy the files pywraps2.py and _pywraps2.so files from folder test@testmachine:~/test/<somefolderonyourmachine>/s2geometry/build/python$ to test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver/app/main/utils/S2Lib$

    P.S: This library does not officialy support Python3+ yet so there even after a local build, there may be issues loading the library.

  6. Google Service Account Configuration : You will need to use your own google service account (I have provided a dummy file bqconfig.json for reference). To create your service account follow the below steps below.

    a. Login to your google account and follow the steps mentioned at https://support.google.com/a/answer/7378726?hl=en. It will download your service account key information as a .json file to your machine

    b. Replace the contents of the file bqconfig.json file present at location test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver/app/configuration/ with the contents of .json file that was downloaded to your machine in previous Step (i.e. 2a)

    c. Open bqconfig.json and copy the value for the key "project_id". For example in case your bqconfig.json contents look like below you need to copy "ABC123". Close the file bqconfig.json

            "type": "service_account",
            "project_id": "ABC:123",

    d. Open dbonfig.py present at location test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver/app/configuration/ and set the value of the key SVC_ACCNT_PROJECT_NAME of dictionary DATABASE_CONFIG to the value copied in prevous Step 2c. (i.e "ABC:123" as based on above example) . Below is an illustration on how the file dbonfig.py should look after changes. Save and close dbconfig.py after making changes.

                                'bqconfig':os.path.join (configdir,'bqconfig.json'),
                                'yourkey':os.path.join (configdir,'enteryourkey.json'),
                            'SVC_ACCNT_PROJECT_NAME' : "ABC:123",
  7. Project Configurations : You may configure following items are per your convenience (the project should work with default configurations also if no port conflicts are there)

    a. Port Number : In case you do not want to use the default port number, open the file config.py at location test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver/app/configuration/ and set the value of the variable PORT to the value to the values you desire. Foe example if you want to use the port number 9000 the file config.py should look like below. Save and close the file config.py after making changes.

     import  os
     configdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
     class BaseConfig(object):
         """A class used to store coniguration properties common across all environments"""
         DEBUG = True
         TESTING = False
         PORT = '9000'

    a. Cache : In case you do enable caching, open the file dbconfig.py at location test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver/app/configuration/ and set the value of the key variable caching_enabled to True (present in the dictionary API_CONFIG). You may enable caching for a particular API endpoints only (which should supports caching). For example in the below snapshot of file dbconfig.py caching is enabled for total_trips endpoint but not for avg_speed24h endpoint. Save and close `the file dbconfig.py after making changes.

     API_CONFIG = {
            'total_trips' : {
                             'caching_enabled' : True,
            'avg_speed24h' : {
                             'caching_enabled' : False,
  8. Runing Tests : In order to execute the testcases run the following command from shell. Before this please make sure to perform Step 2 (configuration) and Step 3 (Virtual Envirobment Set up) if not done already.

     -- Linux (verfied on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS):   
         test@testmachine:~/test/repodir$ cd nyctaxiserver
         test@testmachine:~/test/repodir/nyctaxiserver$ source venvtaxiapi/bin/activate/
         (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir$ cd tests
         (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir$ pytest
  9. The execution trace logs are generated in the Folder below

     -- (venvtaxiapi) test@testmachine:~/testdir/repodir/nyctaxiserver/app/main/Logs$ 


A python (flask-restplus) based Web API for returning statistics related to trips made by new york taxis based on Google BigQuery Data


License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.3%Language:Shell 0.7%