Abhishek Singh (abhishek-singh632)


Geek Repo


Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Abhishek Singh's repositories


Hello! I'm Abhishek Singh, a passionate software engineer with a diverse skill set covering Java, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, CSS3, and frameworks such as Bootstrap, React.js, Node.js, and Express.js. I've also got hands-on experience with MongoDB and MySQL for database management, and I'm proficient in version control using tools like VS Code and Git



Assignment Page 1 : Create a Login Page with Email field Validation and appropriate message for Login Failed and Success (Integrate API ) Page 2 : Create a Forgot Password page (No API Integration ) Page 3 : (Only for Authenticated User, Integrate API) Create a functional Multi Step with Progress indicator. The form will contain 5 steps.



It is News Application, which is completely made using React.js Library and Bootstrap. This application provides you to watch the Real-world news with a varieties of news categories.



Designing a sports website for sports lovers involves creating a platform that caters to the diverse interests and passions of sports enthusiasts. Below is a project description tailored for a sports website targeting avid sports fans.



Create search images app with react and unsplash api, we also learn how to create useAxios hook, learn how to styling the app with tailwind, and also create beautiful skeleton loading page.



This project aims to provide a rudimentary headless CMS (Content Management System) with basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality. It allows users to define custom entities with specified attributes and their data types. Upon entity creation, the system automatically generates corresponding table definition in a relational databas



The project aims to develop a RESTful API for managing train ticket purchases and related functionalities for a journey from London to France. It consists of various components organized within packages. The TrainTicketsRestAPIApplication.java class serves as the entry point for the Spring Boot application, initializing the application context.
