abhinavthapper31 / Sentiment-Analysis-on-Product-Reviews

Text Classification Problem : Wrote a module to classify Amazon-Product Reviews as favourable/unfavourable. Achieved accuracy of 78% and an F1 score of .81 using Logistic Regression on a test-train split of 20%, where total records were around 50000.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Text Classification Problem : Project Explores different classification algorithms on a corpus of Amazon Product Reviews. Original data set was of 3 million instances(with attributes TITLE, RATING, REVIEWS), so the data had to be cut short using https://www.splitcsv.com/ .

Preprocessing : Some attributes were discarded (namely TITLE) though it could be appended to REVIEWS too and new column LIKED was added based on the RATING attribute. Value of LIKED, for a review was equal to 1 if rating was more than 3 else it was 0. The was a preprocessed furthur by stemming,making all words lowercase and retaining only the text and discarding any symbols (!, ?, etc) .

Vectorisation/Bag of Words : We used TfIdfVectoriser to create the BOW model instead of CountVectoriser CountVectorizer just counts the word frequencies. With the TFIDFVectorizer the value increases proportionally to count, but is offset by the frequency of the word in the corpus. -

Modelling : We created 4 models for classifying namely Logistic Regression, GaussianNB, MultnomialNB and DecisionTree. Logistic Regression gave the best reslts with 78% accuracy and and F1 score of 81%.where as Decision Tree Classifier performed the worst.


Conclusion : Try other methods like SVC and XGBoost to check if accuracy increases. Also try other ways of vectorising Word2Vec, Doc2Vec etc..


Text Classification Problem : Wrote a module to classify Amazon-Product Reviews as favourable/unfavourable. Achieved accuracy of 78% and an F1 score of .81 using Logistic Regression on a test-train split of 20%, where total records were around 50000.


Language:Python 100.0%