The scope of this project is just to provide a wrapper around the API without any additional features.
This is a very simple bot that just displays any gotten updates, then replies it to it.
package main
import (
func main() {
bot := mbotapi.NewBotAPI("ACCESS_TOKEN", "VERIFY_TOKEN")
callbacks, mux := bot.SetWebhook("/webhook")
go http.ListenAndServeTLS("", "cert.pem", "key.pem", mux)
for callback := range callbacks {
log.Printf("[%#v] %s", callback.Sender, callback.Message.Text)
msg := mbotapi.NewMessage(callback.Message.Text)
bot.Send(callback.Sender, msg, mbotapi.RegularNotif)
Facebook messenger webhook needs a certificate certified by known CA, Now that Let's Encrypt has entered public beta, you may wish to generate your free TLS certificate there.
Messenger takes design cues from: