abhijitmamarde / pipenv_pytest_playground

sample repo for using with pipenv

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sample test project for pipenv usage

install at user level (windows)

py -m pip install --user pipenv

The main commands are: installuninstall, and lock, which generates a Pipfile.lock.

These are intended to replace:

$ pip install usage, as well as manual virtualenv management (to activate a virtualenv, run $ pipenv shell).

# create new env using Python
# creates Pipfile, with required Python version,
# without any package dependencies
pipenv --three

# or can directly install required packages
# creates Pipfile and Pipfile.lock
# pipfile has only the mentioned packages
# whereas, lock file has all required dependencies, similar to - pip freeze
pipenv install requests loguru baker

# to install specific versions
pipenv install requests~=1.2

# if there is Pipfile in current dir
# or if there is only requirements.txt in dir, uses that
pipenv install

# to install from specific requriement file:
pipenv install -r path/to/requirements.txt

# install packages exactly like in `Pipfile.lock`
pipenv sync

# to verify your `Pipfile.lock` is up-to-date with dependencies specified in the `Pipfile`, without installing
pipenv verify

# find/check whats updated in package versions
pipenv update --outdated

# to update all packages versions
pipenv update

# or, update specific packages
pipenv update requests

# open specific package
set EDITOR=code
pipenv open baker

If a .env file is present in your project, $ pipenv shell and $ pipenv run automatically loads it

# touch .env


  1. Check dependency graph
D:\> pipenv graph
  - colorama [required: >=0.3.4, installed: 0.4.5]
  - win32-setctime [required: >=1.0.0, installed: 1.1.0]
  - certifi [required: >=2017.4.17, installed: 2022.9.24]
  - charset-normalizer [required: >=2,<3, installed: 2.1.1]
  - idna [required: >=2.5,<4, installed: 3.4]
  - urllib3 [required: >=1.21.1,<1.27, installed: 1.26.12]
  1. Activate virtualenv
  • pipenv shell will spawn a shell with the virtualenv activated.
  • This shell can be deactivated by using exit.
  • run will run a given command from the virtualenv, with any arguments forwarded (e.g. $ pipenv run python or $ pipenv run pip freeze).
D:\> pipenv run pip freeze
  1. Editiable dependencies
# install current path '.' as editable, dev dependency
pipenv install --dev -e .
  1. Custom Script Shortcuts

in your Pipfile add:

myscript = "python -c \"print('I am a silly example, no one would need to do this')\""

then you can run the custom script as:

pipenv run myscript

# to show all available scripts
pipenv scripts


sample repo for using with pipenv


Language:Python 100.0%