abhijithvijayan / abhijithvijayan

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Home Page:https://abhijithvijayan.in/

Repository from Github https://github.comabhijithvijayan/abhijithvijayanRepository from Github https://github.comabhijithvijayan/abhijithvijayan


I'm someone who is passionate about Open Source and likes to write code.

I mostly write JavaScript/TypeScript these days. See my pinned repositories below.

I maintain a handful of node modules and a few other popular WebExtensions. I also contribute to Kutt.it and various other open source projects through this voluntary work.

I sometimes write blog posts and occasionally tweet about stuff. Feel free to reach me on LinkedIn about job-related matters.

If you want to support my work, consider sponsoring on GitHub or becoming a patron on Patreon or buying me coffee(s).

~ abhijithvijayan.in

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