abhijit1990's starred repositories
Instagram Scripts for Bulk Unsending Direct Messages
Download Indian NSE - BSE Stocks Historical Per minute Data
Cardiovascular diseases are the number 1 cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year, which accounts for 31% of all deaths worlwide. Early detection, and managment of cardiovascular diseases can be a great way to manage the fatality rate associated with cardiovascular diseases, and this is where a machine learning model comes in. For the purpose of predicting the risk of a heart failure in patients, I used the Support Vector Classifier to build a machine learning model, and deployed it using Flask and Heroku
Data Scrapper For NSE Stocks
Data and notebook for the ranking algorithm article
Can we use association mining and machine learning to understand groceries purchase? Can we predict products that a user will buy again, try for the first time or add to cart next during a session? Can we segment our customer base into several cohorts based on their preferred products and purchase behaviour?
The task is to predict the percentage of households that fall into a particularly vulnerable bracket - large households who must leave their homes to fetch water - using 2011 South African census data. Solving this challenge will show that with machine learning it is possible to use easy-to-measure stats to identify areas most at risk even in years when census data is not collected.
Creating a semantic search on Indian Penal Code
A collection of codes submitted for machine learning competitions on various platforms
API for Indian Stock Market's NSE and BSE.
A Machine Learning System for predicting depression tendencies from socio-economic factors deployed as a RESTAPI using Python, regularized greedy forests & FastAPI..
Natural Language Processing (NLP) on twitter data using roBERTa model with python for sentiment analysis.
Time Series Analysis and Modeling: A case study of air pollution in Beijing
Using Pandas to answer a few questions about the Adult dataset.
Utilizing Microsoft Power Bi to analyze, visualize, gain applicable insights and create a report on Financial Inclusion in four African Countries. Link to the Report: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNjAxYjZhZmEtYjE2Ny00NWE2LWExYTEtNTY4NGFmYjExODlhIiwidCI6ImI2YzRkMzlmLWMwODYtNDEyOC05NmE1LTA0NDZkNzVmMTdjYSJ9
A program which generates a random password for a user. It ask the user how long they want their password to be, and how many letters and numbers they want in their password, with the password having a mix of upper and lowercase letters, as well as numbers and symbols. The password is also a minimum of 6 characters long.
Predicting the percentage of students based on the number of study hours/day using Simple linear regression.
Build a Fullstack E commerce using Next js react js, mongo, tailwind, styled components
Build a Small Project with Nextjs 13
Build and Deploy a Modern Next.js 13 Application | React, Next JS 13, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS
4 JavaScript projects Full Stack development
Building an Ecommerce Website: Core Features with Sanity, Drizzle, Postgres and Stripe
This is an Account Management System. The user can add multiple accounts and switch between them. The user can put a description and a date for every transaction he would like to record. The user can enter his/her profit/earnings and they will be highlighted in green. On the other hand, when the user puts his loss/spending using -the sign it will be highlighted in red. At the end there will be a total amount of money.