abhicoder29 / hlf-operator

Hyperledger Fabric Kubernetes operator - Hyperledger Fabric operator for Kubernetes (v2.2+)

Home Page:https://kfsoftware.github.io/hlf-operator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

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id title
Getting started

Build Status

Hyperledger Fabric Operator


  • Create certificates authorities (CA)
  • Create peers
  • Create ordering services
  • Create resources without manual provisioning of cryptographic material
  • Domain routing with SNI using Istio
  • Run chaincode as external chaincode in Kubernetes
  • Support Hyperledger Fabric 2.3+
  • Managed genesis for Ordering services
  • E2E testing including the execution of chaincodes in KIND
  • Renewal of certificates

Stay Up-to-Date

hlf-operator is currently in stable. Watch releases of this repository to be notified for future updates:



kfs logo If you want to design and deploy a secure Blockchain network based on the latest version of Hyperledger Fabric, feel free to contact dviejo@kungfusoftware.es or visit https://kfs.es/blockchain

Getting started


  • Fabric CA client
  • YQ binary to replace values in YAML (for the getting started)
  • KubeCTL
  • Kubernetes 1.15+
  • Istio

Install Istio

kubectl apply -f ./hack/istio-operator/crds/*
helm template ./hack/istio-operator/ \
  --set hub=docker.io/istio \
  --set tag=1.8.0 \
  --set operatorNamespace=istio-operator \
  --set watchedNamespaces=istio-system | kubectl apply -f -

kubectl create ns istio-system
kubectl apply -n istio-system -f ./hack/istio-operator.yaml

Installing the operator

helm install hlf-operator ./chart/hlf-operator

Installing the Kubectl HLF Plugin

kubectl krew install hlf

Deploy a Peer Organization

Setup versions

export PEER_IMAGE=quay.io/kfsoftware/fabric-peer
export PEER_VERSION=2.4.1-v0.0.3

export ORDERER_IMAGE=hyperledger/fabric-orderer
export ORDERER_VERSION=2.4.1

Deploying a Certificate Authority

kubectl hlf ca create --storage-class=standard --capacity=2Gi --name=org1-ca \
    --enroll-id=enroll --enroll-pw=enrollpw  
kubectl wait --timeout=180s --for=condition=Running fabriccas.hlf.kungfusoftware.es --all

# register user for the peers
kubectl hlf ca register --name=org1-ca --user=peer --secret=peerpw --type=peer \
 --enroll-id enroll --enroll-secret=enrollpw --mspid Org1MSP

Deploying a peer

kubectl hlf peer create --image=$PEER_IMAGE --version=$PEER_VERSION --storage-class=standard --enroll-id=peer --mspid=Org1MSP \
        --enroll-pw=peerpw --capacity=5Gi --name=org1-peer0 --ca-name=org1-ca.default
kubectl wait --timeout=180s --for=condition=Running fabricpeers.hlf.kungfusoftware.es --all

Deploying an Ordering Service

Deploying a certificate authority

kubectl hlf ca create --storage-class=standard --capacity=2Gi --name=ord-ca \
    --enroll-id=enroll --enroll-pw=enrollpw
kubectl wait --timeout=180s --for=condition=Running fabriccas.hlf.kungfusoftware.es --all
kubectl hlf ca register --name=ord-ca --user=orderer --secret=ordererpw \
    --type=orderer --enroll-id enroll --enroll-secret=enrollpw --mspid=OrdererMSP

Deploying the Orderer nodes node

kubectl hlf ordnode create --image=$ORDERER_IMAGE --version=$ORDERER_VERSION \
    --storage-class=standard --enroll-id=orderer --mspid=OrdererMSP \
    --enroll-pw=ordererpw --capacity=2Gi --name=ord-node1 --ca-name=ord-ca.default
kubectl wait --timeout=180s --for=condition=Running fabricorderernodes.hlf.kungfusoftware.es --all

Preparing a connection string for the ordering service

kubectl hlf inspect --output ordservice.yaml -o OrdererMSP
kubectl hlf ca register --name=ord-ca --user=admin --secret=adminpw \
    --type=admin --enroll-id enroll --enroll-secret=enrollpw --mspid=OrdererMSP

kubectl hlf ca enroll --name=ord-ca --user=admin --secret=adminpw --mspid OrdererMSP \
        --ca-name ca  --output admin-ordservice.yaml 
## add user from admin-ordservice.yaml to ordservice.yaml
kubectl hlf utils adduser --userPath=admin-ordservice.yaml --config=ordservice.yaml --username=admin --mspid=OrdererMSP

Create a channel

kubectl hlf channel generate --output=demo.block --name=demo --organizations Org1MSP --ordererOrganizations OrdererMSP

# enroll using the TLS CA
kubectl hlf ca enroll --name=ord-ca --namespace=default --user=admin --secret=adminpw --mspid OrdererMSP \
        --ca-name tlsca  --output admin-tls-ordservice.yaml 

kubectl hlf ordnode join --block=demo.block --name=ord-node1 --namespace=default --identity=admin-tls-ordservice.yaml

Preparing a connection string for the peer

kubectl hlf ca register --name=org1-ca --user=admin --secret=adminpw --type=admin \
 --enroll-id enroll --enroll-secret=enrollpw --mspid Org1MSP  

kubectl hlf ca enroll --name=org1-ca --user=admin --secret=adminpw --mspid Org1MSP \
        --ca-name ca  --output peer-org1.yaml

kubectl hlf inspect --output org1.yaml -o Org1MSP -o OrdererMSP

## add user key and cert to org1.yaml from admin-ordservice.yaml
kubectl hlf utils adduser --userPath=peer-org1.yaml --config=org1.yaml --username=admin --mspid=Org1MSP

Join channel

kubectl hlf channel join --name=demo --config=org1.yaml \
    --user=admin -p=org1-peer0.default

Inspect the channel

kubectl hlf channel inspect --channel=demo --config=org1.yaml \
    --user=admin -p=org1-peer0.default > demo.json

Add anchor peer

kubectl hlf channel addanchorpeer --channel=demo --config=org1.yaml \
    --user=admin --peer=org1-peer0.default 

See ledger height

In case of error, you may need to add the following to the org1.yaml configuration file:

      - ord-node1.default
        endorsingPeer: true
        chaincodeQuery: true
        ledgerQuery: true
        eventSource: true
kubectl hlf channel top --channel=demo --config=org1.yaml \
    --user=admin -p=org1-peer0.default

Install a chaincode

kubectl hlf chaincode install --path=./fixtures/chaincodes/fabcar/go \
    --config=org1.yaml --language=golang --label=fabcar --user=admin --peer=org1-peer0.default

# this can take 3-4 minutes

Query chaincodes installed

kubectl hlf chaincode queryinstalled --config=org1.yaml --user=admin --peer=org1-peer0.default

Approve chaincode

PACKAGE_ID=fabcar:0c616be7eebace4b3c2aa0890944875f695653dbf80bef7d95f3eed6667b5f40 # replace it with the package id of your 
kubectl hlf chaincode approveformyorg --config=org1.yaml --user=admin --peer=org1-peer0.default \
    --package-id=$PACKAGE_ID \
    --version "1.0" --sequence 1 --name=fabcar \
    --policy="OR('Org1MSP.member')" --channel=demo

Commit chaincode

kubectl hlf chaincode commit --config=org1.yaml --user=admin --mspid=Org1MSP \
    --version "1.0" --sequence 1 --name=fabcar \
    --policy="OR('Org1MSP.member')" --channel=demo

Invoke a transaction in the ledger

kubectl hlf chaincode invoke --config=org1.yaml \
    --user=admin --peer=org1-peer0.default \
    --chaincode=fabcar --channel=demo \
    --fcn=initLedger -a '[]'

Query the ledger

kubectl hlf chaincode query --config=org1.yaml \
    --user=admin --peer=org1-peer0.default \
    --chaincode=fabcar --channel=demo \
    --fcn=QueryAllCars -a '[]'

At this point, you should have:

  • Ordering service with 3 nodes and a CA
  • Peer organization with a peer and a CA
  • A channel demo
  • A chaincode install in peer0
  • A chaincode approved and committed

If something went wrong or didn't work, please, open an issue.

Cleanup the environment

kubectl delete fabricorderernodes.hlf.kungfusoftware.es --all-namespaces --all
kubectl delete fabricpeers.hlf.kungfusoftware.es --all-namespaces --all
kubectl delete fabriccas.hlf.kungfusoftware.es --all-namespaces --all


Hyperledger Fabric Kubernetes operator - Hyperledger Fabric operator for Kubernetes (v2.2+)


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 95.2%Language:Java 2.2%Language:JavaScript 1.1%Language:Mustache 0.5%Language:TypeScript 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:Smarty 0.2%Language:CSS 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%