abhagupta / chat-app-node

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



git clone https://github.com/abhagupta/chat-app-node.git
cd chat-app-node
npm install

Set environment variable for mongo

CUSTOMCONNSTR_MONGOLAB_URI=<mongo connection url>  // eg. CUSTOMCONNSTR_MONGOLAB_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/sandbox-chat-box
PORT=<port number>
npm start

Browse to http://localhost:<port number>. If no PORT is set, 8000 is default port.

Features supported :

  • Signup user - with passport-local strategy
  • Login user - with passport-local strategy
  • Chat feature - with passport-socketio authentication
  • Saving past messages (using mongo)
  • Join and leave rooms
  • Show users present in a room

Technology Stack:

  • Socket io
  • Passport for authentication
  • Mongo db for data storage
  • jquery for front end

Deployed Heroku app : https://multiroom-chat-app.herokuapp.com/



Language:JavaScript 64.5%Language:HTML 22.5%Language:CSS 13.0%