abenetka / sweater_weather

Module 3, Final Solo Project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Sweater Weather was a 5-day, final solo-project of Module 3 at Turing School of Software and Design. We were asked to build a weather API that outputs JSON objects, byt utilizing several APIs to provide up-to-date and interesting weather information. This application is built with Ruby on Rails and utilizes the following APIs: DarkSky API, Google GeoCode API, Giphy API, and Flickr API.

Getting Started

To run Sweater Weather on your local machine, navigate to the directory in which you would like the project to be located, then execute the following commands:

$ git clone git@github.com:abenetka/sweater_weather.git
$ cd sweater_weather
$ bundle
$ rails g rspec:install
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
$ bundle exec figaro install

Setup your environment variables:

Sign Up on the following API's:

Add the following code snippet to your config/application.yml file. Make sure to insert the key/secret without the alligator clips ( < > ).

darksky_api_secret: <insert>
google_maps_api_key: <insert>
giphy_api_key: <insert>
flickr_api_key: <insert>

Running Tests

To run the test suite, run rspec.


  • Dark Sky API
  • Google Geocode API
  • Flickr API
  • Giphy API
  • Ruby on Rails
  • RSpec
  • Figaro
  • Faraday
  • Shoulda-Matchers
  • FactoryBot
  • Pry
  • SimpleCov
  • PostgresSQL

Rubric/Project Description





Module 3, Final Solo Project


Language:Ruby 89.4%Language:HTML 7.9%Language:JavaScript 1.6%Language:CSS 1.0%