abellion / ngDatabase

!! Depreciated !! A very simple and powerful local storage solution for your Ionic apps.

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ngDatabase is a light, very easy to use and powerful storage solution for your Ionic apps. Take advantage of unlimited storage size, data binding, very flexible data management and more.

Quick links

  • Get started
    • [Quick guide] (#quick-guide)
    • [Installation] (#installation)
  • Repositories
    • [Create Repositories] (#create)
    • [Get Repositories] (#get)
  • Data operation
    • [Add data] (#add)
    • [Get data] (#get)
    • [Update data] (#update)
    • [Delete data] (#delete)
  • Data selection
  • Data binding
  • Low level usage
    • [Native SQLite syntax] (#native-sqlite-syntax)

Get started

Quick guide

Get started in 4 steps by following this guideline.

  • The very first thing you have to do is install ngDatabase : [ngDatabase installation] (#installation)

  • At this point you must launch ngDatabase inside your app and tell him what kind of 'repository' you will used. In ngDatabase a repository is a place where your data will be stored. For exemple if you have to store some user and customer data you will have two repositories severally called 'users' and 'customers'. Check how to create repositories : [Create Repositories] (#create)

  • Now you've got some repositories ready to work. Each time you make operations on your repositories you have to use the getRepository() method to be able to do anything. -> [Get Repositories] (#get)

  • The previous method give you an new instance of a working repository. Now you can make what you want thanks to the 4 methods : [Data operation] (#data-operation)

  • As you can observe we can't do a lot only with these 4 methods. It's the combination between them and 3 others which make the magic. These 3 others are setBy(), setOrder() and setLimit() which define by what criterion the data will be get, add, delete, ... Check it : [Data selection] (#data-selection)


ngCordova and cordovaSQLite

First, install ndCordova to your project (http://ngcordova.com/docs/install/) :

bower install ngCordova

Don't forget to include the ng-cordova.js file and add ngCordova in your app dependencies :

<script src="path/to/your/lib/ngCordova/dist/ng-cordova.js"></script>
angular.module('myApp', ['ngCordova']);

Then, add the cordovaSQLite plugin :

cordova plugin add https://github.com/litehelpers/Cordova-sqlite-storage.git


bower install ng-database #bower
npm install ng-database #NPM

Include the ng-database js file in your project :

<script src="path/to/your/lib/ng-database/dist/ngdb.min.js"></script>

Then include ngDatabase dependency :

angular.module('myApp', ['ngCordova', 'ngDatabase']);


Important note : all of ngDatabase method must be used when the deviceready event fired.



ngdbProvider setRepository(string repositoryName, object repositorySchema)

A repository is a kind of bag which define your data schema. It's typically an object where each key-value pair correspond respectively to the name of your data and his type (see bellow). This operation is done in the config step of your app. For exemple, if you have to manage users and pictures in your app your repositories could look like that :

app.config(function(ngdbProvider) {
  var usersRepository = {
    id:         'ID',
    name:       'STRING',
    born:       'DATE'
  var pictures = {
    id:         'ID',
    pictures:   'OBJECT'
    .setRepository('users', usersRepository)
    .setRepository('pictures', picturesRepository);
  • ID : special integer type which is incremented at each insertion
  • STRING : can store string such as text
  • NUMBER : an integer or floating number
  • BOOLEAN : true or false values
  • OBJECT : a javascript object
  • ARRAY : a javascript array
  • DATE : a date (must be an instance of Date())


ngdb getRepository(string repositoryName)

This method allow you to make operations in the specified repositoryName. Use it to add, delete, update...

myApp.controller('myCtrl', function(ngdb) {

  var usersRepository     = ngdb.getRepository('users');
  var picturesRepository  = ngdb.getRepository('pictures');
  //Make all your operations.


Data operation


promise add(object data)

This method add some data in a repository. Only the keys that correspond to the mapping defined in the config step will be added. Note that you do not have to convert your data. Just let objects as objects, numbers as numbers, strings as strings, ...

Return a promise containing an object with the insertion informations (the ID particularly).

myApp.controller('myCtrl', function(ngdb) {

  var usersRepository     = ngdb.getRepository('users');
  var picturesRepository  = ngdb.getRepository('pictures');
  var userToAdd = {
    pictures_id:  5,
    name:         'Jack',
    born:         new Date()
  var pictureToAdd = {
    pictures:     {'path1', 'path2'}
  var user    = usersRepository.add(userToAdd);
  var picture = picturesRepository.add(pictureToAdd);

  user.then(function(result) {
    //The insered id



promise get()
promise getOne()

Get data from repository. All your data are gived back to the correct type (objects as objects, numbers as numbers, ...)

Return promise containing an object with the requested data.

myApp.controller('myCtrl', function(ngdb) {

  var usersRepository     = ngdb.getRepository('users');
  var picturesRepository  = ngdb.getRepository('pictures');
  //Get all users and pictures data
  var usersData     = usersRepository.get();
  var picturesData  = picturesRepository.get();

  //Get the first user and picture data
  var firstUserData     = usersRepository.getOne();
  var firstPictureData  = pictureRepository.getOne();
  usersData.then(function(result) {
    //Your data is here !


promise update(object data)

Update the specified data.

Return promise containing an object with informations about the update.

myApp.controller('myCtrl', function(ngdb) {

  var usersRepository     = ngdb.getRepository('users');
  var picturesRepository  = ngdb.getRepository('pictures');
  var usersToUpdate = {
    name: 'John Doe',
  var picturesToUpdate = {
    pictures: {'newPath'}
  //Update all users and pictures data


promise delete()

Delete entries in the repository.

Return promise containing an object with the informations about the deletion.

myApp.controller('myCtrl', function(ngdb) {

  var usersRepository     = ngdb.getRepository('users');
  var picturesRepository  = ngdb.getRepository('pictures');
  //Delete all users and pictures data

Data selection

These methods can be chained and must be called before the data operation methods (get, update, ...). These methods have an influence on the way the data are going to be treated. All of them take an object where the key correspond to the data name previously defined (in the app config step).


ngdb setOrder(object order)

Order your data by something in ascendent ('ASC' keyword) or descendent ('DESC' keyword) order.

Return promise containing an object with the requested data.

myApp.controller('myCtrl', function(ngdb) {

  var usersRepository = ngdb.getRepository('users');

  //Get all users sorted by name in ascendent order
  usersRepository.setOrder({'name': 'ASC'}).get();
  //Get all users sorted by id in descendent order
  usersRepository.setOrder({'id': 'DESC'}).get();


ngdb setBy(object conditions)

Get, update or delete data according to the equality of the key-value object.

Return promise containing an object with the requested data.

myApp.controller('myCtrl', function(ngdb) {

  var usersRepository = ngdb.getRepository('users');

  //Get all users named 'John'
  usersRepository.setBy({'name': 'John'}).get();
  //Get the user with id equal to 1
  usersRepository.setOrder({'id': 1}).getOne();
  //Get the user named John with id equal to 1
  usersRepository.setBy({'id': 1, 'name': 'John'}).getOne();


ngdb setLimit(int from, int to)

Take two integer which represent the interval.

Return promise containing an object with the requested data.

myApp.controller('myCtrl', function(ngdb) {

  var usersRepository = ngdb.getRepository('users');

  //Get 0 to 10 first results
  usersRepository.setLimit(0, 10).get();
  //Get 10 to 20 first results
  usersRepository.setLimit(10, 20).get();

Data binding


Low level usage

Native SQLite syntax

promise query(string query, array bindings)
object fetchAll(object SQLiteResult)
object fetch(object SQLiteResult)

NGDatabase also allow you to use SQLite as native syntax.

  • make() : make an SQL Query
  • fetchAll() : fetch all SQLite Query result
  • fetch() : fetch one SQLite Query result
myApp.controller('myCtrl', function(ngdb) {

  var qm      = ngdb.getQueryMaker();
  var result  = qm.make("SELECT * FROM users WEHRE name = ?", ['John Doe']);
  result.then(function(result) {
    result = qm.fetchAll(result);


!! Depreciated !! A very simple and powerful local storage solution for your Ionic apps.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%