La Hotel is a simple, clean and minimalistic template built for a hotel.
Built using HTML, CSS and Javascript/jQuery for the sliders.
All the images were gotten from Unsplash and Pexels.
The project contains six pages which are:
Rooms - This conains all the available rooms, pictures, price and link for customers to see more details about the room and book.
Restaurant - This contains all the menus available. You can't order. You can only see what is available in the hotel menu.
Spa - Nothing much here. Just some pictures of the hotel spa lounge, customers and a link to book a session.
About - This page contains some imfo about the hotel, features and services they offer and some of their mentions by famous brands.
Contact - This page contains contact details of the hotel manageent which are physical address, email address, phone numbers and input fieldsto send a message.
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