abdulrauf / import-export

A generic CSV importer / exporter rails plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  A generic import and export plugin for rails, own implementation is


  * FasterCSV


  ./script/plugin install git://github.com/coffeeaddict/import-export.git


  Both the import and the export are done under a transaction. If
  really bad things happen, the changes already made to the database
  will be rolled back.

  Even for an export this is usefull; you might want to set flags
  telling the system the object was exported

Example Import 

  To make a thingy that imports cards:

  in lib/cards_import.rb

    include ImportExport
    class CardsImport < Importer
      def import(row)
        # Card is an ActiveRecord
        card = Card.new
        row.headers.each { |name|
          # lets assume the header matches the names of Card's attributes
          attr_name = name.downcase.gsub(/\s/, "_")
          card[attr_name] = row.field(name)
        if card.invalid?
          # writes the row to "file.csv.errors"
          log_error row
          # writes the message to "file.csv.log"
          log card.name + " saved"

  In your controller:

    import = CardsImport.new('/path/to/file.csv')

  Or for Delayed::Job (who needs imports right away?)

    Delayed::Job.enqueue CardsImport.new('/path/to/file.csv')

  run is an alias for perform, so this will work out of the box

Example Export 

  To make something export

  in app/model/cards_exports.rb

    include ImportExport
    class CardsExport < Exporter
      def before_export 
        @col_sep = ","
        @row_sep = "\n"
      def after_export
        log "stuff has been exported"
      # this will make a nice header, if self.respond_to?
      def header
        [ "NAME", "IMAGE", "COLOR" ]
      def export(card)
        # the row will not be in the export
        return nil if non_fatal_error_occured

        # the row will be in the export
        return card.attributes.values_at("name", "image", "color")

  in your controller
    # export all sold out cards
    export = CardsExport.new( :col_sep => '|', :file => "sold_out" )
    export.collect { Cards.find(:all, :conditions => [ "sold_out=?", true ]) }

  This will make file named sold_out.csv in @RAILS_ROOT/tmp@.

  Or perhaps even simpler

    export = CardsExport.new( :file => "all" ) { Cards.all }

  To send the file to the user, just

    return send_file(export.file, :type => "text/csv")


 * :col_sep      => The column seperator, defaults to ";"
 * :row_sep      => The row seperator, defaults to "\r\n"
 * :file         => The name of the file import / export
 * :force_quotes => 

Import specific options

 * :use_headers => Flag to use the first row as a header. The contents
                   of the first row will not be included in the import.

Export specific options

  No specific options, but some quirks exist

Extra files

  The import process makes a number of files next to the actual data file

  * file.count  : filled with the current line nr.
  * file.errors : filled rows you send to log_error()
  * file.log    : filled with comments you placed in log

  The export process makes the exact same files, but the count is only
  written when the process is complete

  The log file is always filled with a start and end date which is
  written before the before_[import|export] callback methods and after
  the after_[import|export] callback methods

Copyright (c) 2009 Hartog C. de Mik, released under the MIT license


A generic CSV importer / exporter rails plugin

License:MIT License