abdullah353 / tranasctionsystem

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  1. 'transactions.tsv' -- tab-separated file with the following data columns:

1a) Created (Datetime),

1b) Amount (Float ###.##),

1c) CardholderName (Char 64), (Didn't applied character length validation)

1d) CardNumber (Char 32),

1e) ExpiredM (Integer ##),

1f) ExpiredY (Integer ##),

1g) CVV (Integer ###),

1h) Status (Enum: 'Approved','Declined')

  1. 'router.php' -- php-script to support CRUD methods for the table (1).

Except CRUD methods the php class should provide the frot-end with hardcoded encryption key.

  1. 'app.js' -- Ext JS 3 application with the following components:

3a) grid-table with transaction's list with column sorting/filtering (ListView used filtering missing).

3b) 'Add New', 'Modify', 'Delete' buttons

3c) pop-up form-panel to create or modify transaction (Popup For Mofiying Only).

  1. 'index.html' -- the minimum required HTML document to start the application (3)

Application features:

The (1) table must contain the 'CardNumber' column encrypted.

The (3a) grid-table should represent the 'CardNumber' masked (e.g. 464565XXXXXX4545)

The (3) application should send/receive all data in JSON, the all fields are plain but 'CardNumber' always encrypted.

All fields in the (3c) form are validated on the client side. The 'CardNumber' uses LUN algorithm. When initializing the application should requests from the back-end an encryption/decryption key. Encryption Algorithm is arbitrary.



Language:PHP 50.0%Language:JavaScript 39.1%Language:HTML 10.9%