A simple CommandLine ToDo App to keep track of your schedule
run "npm install to install dependencies"
- Yargs: For Handling App commands
- Chalk.js: For Styling Command Line Outputs
The Todo app will come in Handy for developers who wants to keep track of activities while coding on the command Line Interface
The App has an Add, List, View, DeleteAll and remove feauture to aid and speed up efficiency
The App's simplicity makes it extremely flexible and easy to use.
add / a [to add a new ToDo] e.g "node index.js a --title "Eat Breakfast""
list / l [to list all ToDo entries] e.g "node index.js l"
view / v [to view a single ToDo Entry] e.g "node index.js v --index i //(i is index number)"
remove / r [to delete individual entry] e.g "node index.js r --index i //(i is index number)"
deleteAll / d [to delete all ToDo Entries] e.g "node index.js d"
toggle / t [To indicate task Completion] e.g "node index.js t --index i //(i is index number)"
Akinleye Oyinbayode Peters Slack: @Oyinbayode
Saheed Olajide Olayioye Slack: @ghaalib99