abdm64 / nest-graph-ql

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸ“ Table of Contents

🧐 About

  • This graphql api is connected to Postgres database to retrieve data .

🏁 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live Kubernetes system.


You need to install the fellowing software in order to get the application up and running :

  • Node.js and npm.
  • NestJS.
  • Postgres database.
  • Docker.
  • Kubernetes on cloud.


APP Architecture

  • Alt text

APP Architecture Explained

The application architecture contain 2 part

  • Simple GraphQl API that connect to Postgres database with define tables using TypeORM as interface to retrieve information


Running the Nest.JS application

  • Download or clone the project code from https://github.com/abdm64/nest-graph-ql

  • install NestJs Framework from the npm cli for more information please visit NestJS Web site

  • Install all required npm packages by running npm install from the command line in the api directory (where the package.json is located).

cd api
npm install
  • Before start the application you should change the keys in the api/src/config directory (host, user, password and db name ) in order to connect to the postgres database.

  • Start the application by running npm start from the command line in the api directory , you should see the message: "Nest application successfully started".

npm start
  • Now you have graphQl api that connected to the database and you can make query ( please see the attached email ).

πŸš€ Deployment


  • In order to deploy this application in production we need :
    • Docker to build image for this application and push it to the docker hub or private registry .
    • Kubernetes cluster to run the application in production mode from the image that was created .



  • Download and install docker on your machine Please Visit Docker

Build Docker image

  • Build your own docker image and push it to your repo by running "docker build -t my-app-name:v1 . " from the command line in api directory
cd api
docker build -t my-app-name:v1 .

you need to push the image to Docker hub or your own private registry .

Run Docker image

  • Run your Docker image for the application by the command line
docker run -e [inject your env variable here] my-app-name:v1

PS: you need to run the docker image and attached it to a running Postgres image

Docker compose

  • Also you can run the application connected to a database as service by running with pg admin to manage the Postgres database at port 5050 you can change it in docker-compose file
docker-compose up

and the docker-compose.yaml handle all the task for you running the application with a database attached

  • to drop the running container use the command
docker-compose  down


Deployment Architecture

  • Alt text

Deployment Architecture Explained

  • Please fellow the instruction in the app-dep.yaml file in the k8s folder to update all information needed ( env var ) in order to the application work on Kubernetes cluster

  • create secret in the same namespace to store your pg password by running the Cammand

kubectl create secret generic <secret_name>  --from-literal  PGPASSWORD=<your password>
  • To run the application on Kubernetes cluster just run the fellowing command
kubectl apply -f k8s

this will create the fellowing Kubernetes objects:

  • Namespace a virtual cluster for all your resource related to this application ( pods services secret)
  • Deployment for the application with one pod ( running container) insuring high availability for that service.
  • Deployment for the Postgres database in one pod ( not the perfect solution for stateful application )
  • PVC to store the data from the database
  • Cluster ip service that connected to the pod .
  • ingress service that connect the cluster ip service with ingress-nginx load balancer to expose it outside (Public) .

PS : you must install NGINX Ingress Controller on your k8s cluster before applying the final deployment please check this link https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/ for more information.

  • to drop the application just run the command :
kubectl delete  -f k8s

this will delete all kubernetes objects

⛏️ Built Using

  • NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework.
  • Postgres - Open source relationel database.
  • TypeORM - promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server.
  • GraphQL query language for APIs.
  • Docker - Software platform for building and packaging applications.
  • Kubernetes - Container Orchestration.

✍️ Author

Made with ❀️ by Abdellah



Language:TypeScript 91.7%Language:JavaScript 6.1%Language:Dockerfile 2.2%