abdialeh / rapid_backend

A amazing backend starter based Laravel5 that composed of Code Generator(Infyom Laravel-Generator), API JWT Token(JWT-Auth), RBAC(Role Based Access Control, Entrust) & ACL(Laravel Policy), and Administror Theme AdminLTE, and API Doc(Swagger).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rapid Backend (A backend starter based on Laravel 5.2)

Compose Code Generator(Infyom Laravel-Generator), API JWT Token(JWT-Auth), RBAC(Role Based Access Control, Entrust) & ACL(Laravel Policy), and Administror Theme AdminLTE, and API Doc(Swagger).
You can quickly add your bussiness and control every resources based on RBAC, just config the permission in the admin UI. It is very easy to config every permission to any user, and easy to extend.


  • You are a laraveler and familiar with laravel 5.2
  • JWT(JSON Web Token), a token(auth payload) to access a stateless api instead of the cookies in browser.
  • About RBAC
  • ACL, we just make the owner have all the permissions of their own resources (related with themselves).
  • AdminLTE, a amazing admin theme...you will like it.
  • Swagger (coming soon...)


comming soon...


  • Clone this repo. (some install steps can refer to laravel installation).
  • Copy .env.example to .env, create database and modify db connection settings.
  • Modify folder permission
sudo chmod -R www-data:www-data storage bootstrap/cache
  • Enable rewrite module
sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/

# virtual machine setting
<Directory app/public>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    Require all granted
    AllowOverride All
  • Migrate database and seed
php artisam migrate:refresh --seed

We generate three kind of accounts:
| email | password | desc
| root@163.com | 123456 | super user
| admin@163.com | 123456 | admin user can not change role and permission
| jack@163.com | 123456 | a normal user that only have the permissions of their own resources

  • Start server in the root folder
php artisan serve

Try the three accounts and feel it.
Open http://localhost:8000/login in browser


Resource Access Control List(ACL).

Owner Resource Protection (Laravel Policy)

RBAC - Entrust

It can not support CACHE_DRIVER=file in the stable branch, fix commits:
Zizaco/entrust#612 Zizaco/entrust#547 change the version: dev-master#6a0fd8c3b73037b4855c6c4eaf1060788c0df1e9

Config Permissions

AdminLTE Sidebar Config

Laravel Generator(Infyom Lab)

Swagger UI

comming soon....


Issues and discussion are welcome. ^_^




A amazing backend starter based Laravel5 that composed of Code Generator(Infyom Laravel-Generator), API JWT Token(JWT-Auth), RBAC(Role Based Access Control, Entrust) & ACL(Laravel Policy), and Administror Theme AdminLTE, and API Doc(Swagger).

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 47.3%Language:HTML 39.7%Language:PHP 12.9%Language:CSS 0.1%