abdallahmaali / laravel-multi-sms-methods

Laravel Package For Sms Methods Multi Methods Usage.

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Laravel Multi SMS Methods

Laravel Package For SMS Methods Multi Methods Usage.

A package dedicated to complete control and work with more than one gateway smoothly and simultaneously

πŸš€ About Me

I'm a Full-stack Developer with more than 8 years of a unique experience, I'm a self-learner and specialize in applying the best practices to design and implement scalable, concurrent, flexible, and robust software solutions, with a healthy focus on the expected business outcomes, Always I seek to gain new skills and grow up my knowledge.

Supported Methods


  • Send Single SMS
  • Send Multi SMS
  • Send OTP SMS
  • Check Sent OTP
  • Send Scheduled Sms
  • Send WhatsApp Message
  • Get Sent SMS Details
  • Get Account Balance


You Can Install Via Composer

composer require vectoor/laravel-multi-sms-methods


You Should Publish Config File To Set Method Credentials

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Vector\LaravelMultiSmsMethods\Providers\SmsServiceProvider"


Example Of Config File


return [
    | Sms Available Methods
    / @author Vector <mo.khaled.yousef@gmail.com>
    | Here are each of the Available sms Methods
    "enable_send_sms" => env('ENABLE_SEND_SMS', true), //Enable or Disable Sending Sms
    'methods' => [
       | Sms Box Connection
       | Here are credentials for Sms Box gateway.
        'smsbox' => [
            'username' => env('SMSBOX_USERNAME'),
            'password' => env('SMSBOX_PASSWORD'),
            'gateway_id' => env('SMSBOX_GATEWAY_ID'),
            'sender_id' => env('SMSBOX_SENDER_ID'),
        | Sms Misr Connection
        | Here are credentials for Sms Misr gateway.
        'smsmisr' => [
            'username' => env('SMSMISR_USERNAME'),
            'password' => env('SMSMISR_PASSWORD'),
            'sender_token' => env('SMSMISR_SENDER_TOKEN'),
            'template_token' => env('SMSMISR_TEMPLATE_TOKEN'),
            'sandbox' => env('SMSMISR_SANDBOX'),
         | Sms EG Connection
         | Here are credentials for Sms EG gateway.
        'smseg' => [
            'username' => env('SMSEG_USERNAME'),
            'password' => env('SMSEG_PASSWORD'),
            'sender_id' => env('SMSEG_SENDER_ID'),
       | Ooredoo Connection
       | Here are credentials for Ooredoo gateway.
        'ooredoo' => [
            'username' => env('OOREDOO_USERNAME'),
            'password' => env('OOREDOO_PASSWORD'),
            'sender_id' => env('OOREDOO_SENDER_ID'),
            'customer_id' => env('OOREDOO_CUSTOMER_ID'),
      | Victory Link Connection
      | Here are credentials for Victory Link gateway.
        'victorylink' => [
            'username' => env('VICTORYLINK_USERNAME'),
            'password' => env('VICTORYLINK_PASSWORD'),
            'sender_id' => env('VICTORYLINK_SENDER_ID'),
        | Twilio Connection
        | Here are credentials for Twilio gateway.
        'twilio' => [
            'account_sid' => env('TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID'),
            'auth_token' => env('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN'),
            'sms_phone_number' => env('TWILIO_SMS_PHONE_NUMBER'),
            'schedule_messaging_service_sid' => env('TWILIO_SCHEDULE_MESSAGING_SERVICE_SID'),
            'whatsapp_phone_number' => env('TWILIO_WHATSAPP_PHONE_NUMBER'),


Facade Usage

Use Sms Facade

use Vector\LaravelMultiSmsMethods\Facade\Sms;


Supported Gateways

Gateway Key
SMS BOX smsbox
TWILIO twilio
SMS EG smseg
SMS Misr smsmisr
Victory Link victorylink
Ooredoo ooredoo

Supported Methods

Available Methods smsbox smsmisr smseg twilio ooredoo victorylink
sendSms supported supported supported supported supported supported
sendMultiSms supported supported supported supported supported Not Supported
sendScheduleSms supported supported Not Supported supported supported Not Supported
sendWhatsappMessage Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported supported Not Supported Not Supported
sendOtp Not Supported supported supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
checkOtp Not Supported Not Supported supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
getSmsDetails Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported supported supported Not Supported
getBalance Not Supported Not Supported supported Not Supported supported supported


To Send Single Sms

Variable Type Mandatory Description
$gateway string Yes Geteway Key
$mobileNumber string Yes Mobile Number
$message string Yes Message Content

To Send Multi Sms

Variable Type Mandatory Description
$gateway string Yes Geteway Key
$mobileNumbers Array Yes Mobile Numbers
$message string Yes Message Content

To Send Schedule Sms

Variable Type Mandatory Description
$gateway string Yes Geteway Key
$mobileNumber string Yes Mobile Number
$message string Yes Message Content
$scheduleDate string Yes dateTime of schedule Message

To Send OTP Sms

  Sms::driver($gateway)->sendOtp($mobileNumber, $otp)
Variable Type Mandatory Description
$gateway string Yes Geteway Key
$mobileNumber string Yes Mobile Number
$otp string no in some methods like smsEg OTP CODE

To Check OTP Sms

  Sms::driver($gateway)->checkOtp($mobileNumber, $otp)
Variable Type Mandatory Description
$gateway string Yes Geteway Key
$mobileNumber string Yes Mobile Number
$otp string Yes OTP CODE

To Send Whatsapp Message

Variable Type Mandatory Description
$gateway string Yes Geteway Key
$mobileNumber string Yes Whatsapp Mobile Number
$message string Yes Message Content

To Get Sms Information

Variable Type Mandatory Description
$gateway string Yes Geteway Key
$messageID string Yes ID Of Sent Message

To Get Account Available Balance

Variable Type Mandatory Description
$gateway string Yes Geteway Key



  array:4 [
  "code" => 200
  "success" => true
  "message" => "Message Send Successfully"
  "data" => array:5 [
    "Message" => "Message Send Successfully"
    "Result" => "true"
    "NetPoints" => "4995.600"
    "messageId" => "79539c54-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-2db9244b1969"
    "RejectedNumbers" => []
Variable Type Description
code integer Response Code OF The Sent Api
message string The Response Message From Api
success bool The Response Status (If Success Or Not)
data array The Full Response From Api


πŸ”— Links

portfolio linkedin


The Laravel SMS Gateway package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


For support, email mo.khaled.yousef@gmail.com .


Laravel Package For Sms Methods Multi Methods Usage.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%