abbassizied / mysql-phpmyadmin-docker-compose

docker-compose.yml to run MySql with web-based admin interface(phpMyAdmin)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Start the Services: Run docker-compose up -d to start MySql and phpMyAdmin. The -d flag runs them in the background.

  • Access MySql: Connect to MySql using the connection string:

    • mysql -u USERNAME -pPASSWORD -h HOSTNAMEORIP DATABASENAME (no space between -p and the password text, replace username and password with your actual MySQL username and password, last one is name of the database that you wanted to connect)
    • Now you're connected to the MySQL server and can use various commands to manage your databases, tables, users, and data. Here are some common commands:
     	SHOW DATABASES; # Lists all databases.
     	USE database_name; # Selects a specific database.
     	SHOW TABLES; # Lists all tables in the current database.
     	DESCRIBE table_name; # Shows the structure of a table.
     	SELECT * FROM table_name; # Selects all data from a table.	
  • Access phpMyAdmin: To access phpmyadmin, open http://localhost:8081 in your web browser to manage MySql through its web interface.

    • server: db(Here, this is the name of the service in my docker compose)
    • username: root
    • password: root
  • To delete all data run: docker compose down -v


docker-compose.yml to run MySql with web-based admin interface(phpMyAdmin)