aayant-mend / DataProfiler

What's in your data? Extract schema, statistics and entities from datasets

Home Page:https://capitalone.github.io/DataProfiler

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Visit our documentation page.

How to properly write documentation:


In any package directory, overall package comments can be made in the __init__.py of the directory. At the top of the __init__.py, include your comments in between triple quotations.


In any class file, include overall class comments at the top of the file in between triple quotes and/or in the init function.


reStructuredText Docstring Format is the standard. Here is an example:

def format_data(self, predictions, verbose=False):
    Formats word level labeling of the Unstructured Data Labeler as you want

    :param predictions: A 2D list of word level predictions/labeling
    :type predictions: Dict
    :param verbose: A flag to determine verbosity
    :type verbose: Bool
    :return: JSON structure containing specified formatted output
    :rtype: JSON

        Look at this test. Don't forget the double colons to make a code block::
            This is a codeblock
            Type example code here

How to update the documentation:

  1. Either with an existing clone of capitalone/DataProfiler or clone the capitalone/DataProfiler reposotory to your local computer with the following command:
git clone https://github.com/capitalone/DataProfiler
  1. Next ensure that gh-pages branch is checked out in DataProfiler repository folder:
cd DataProfiler
git checkout gh-pages
  1. Next inside DataProfiler repo that we just cloned down to your local machine, clone the repository under the alias feature_branch inside the root of DataProfiler from step one:
git clone https://github.com/capitalone/DataProfiler feature_branch
  1. Still in the root of DataProfiler, install the requirements needed for generating the documentation:
# install sphinx requirements
brew install pandoc
pip install -r requirements.txt


# install the requirements from the feature branch
pip install -r feature_branch/requirements.txt
pip install -r feature_branch/requirements-ml.txt
pip install -r feature_branch/requirements-reports.txt
  1. Then install the pre-commit hooks by running the following:
pre-commit install
  1. And finally, from the root of DataProfiler, run the following commands to generate the sphinx documentation:
cd docs/
python update_documentation.py

If you make adjustments to the code comments, you may rerun the command again to overwrite the specified version.

Once the documentation is updated, commit and push the whole /docs folder as well as the index.html file. API documentation will only update when pushed to the main branch.

If you make a mistake naming the version, you will have to delete it from the /docs/source/index.rst file.

To update the documentation of a feature branch, go to the /docs folder and run:

cd docs
python update_documentation.py


What's in your data? Extract schema, statistics and entities from datasets


License:Apache License 2.0