This script runs a basic auditory oddball experiment in Python, using Pygame.
- the main experiment script.
- script that prepares the auditory stimuli.
- AuditoryOddball_QualityCheck.ipynb: a Jupyter notebook for a quality check, after running the experiment.
A series of parameters can be modified:
- ITI: inter-trial interval in miliseconds (from sound onset to sound onset)
- nu_sounds: total number of stimuli to be presented in each block
- duration: duration of each stimulus, in miliseconds
- nu_blocks: totaly number of experimental blocks (preferably even number)
- frequency1: main frequency of one auditory stimulus sounds in Hz
- frequency2: main frequency of the second auditory stimulus
- ratio_deviant: ration of deviant sounds in each block
This notebook allows you to do some quality checks after running the experiment.
- Cell 1: Information about the auditory stimuli of each block (frequency of deviant stimuli and their order). Because this is a roving paradigm, the deviant frequency changes in each block.
- Cell 2: Inter-stimulus interval. Plots of the interval from the onset of one sound to the onset of the next, in miliseconds. For low-level auditory experiment it is crucial to keep a constant ITI, as the more predictable the onset of the next stimulus is, the larger the surprise response from the deviant ones. Please keep in mind that this is the theoretical ITI of the experiment, as recorded in python. In practice there might be further variations, which should be checked with an oscilloscope.
- Cell 3: Another quality check, that displays the two auditory stimuli.