aashishkumarnayak / trello-clone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

  1. Stages for a Board:

    • Tables:

      • I will add a new table to store stages. This table could have columns like stage_id, board_id, name, and position (to determine the order of stages on the board).
      • I will update the board table to include a foreign key reference to the stages associated with it (e.g., board_id in the stages table).
    • API Endpoints:

      • I will create API endpoints to:
        • Create a new stage for a board.
        • Update the name or position of a stage.
        • Delete a stage from a board.
        • Get a list of stages for a specific board.
        • Reorder stages on a board (changing their positions).
  2. Comments on Tasks:

    • Tables:

      • I will add a new table to store comments. This table could have columns like comment_id, task_id, user_id, text, and timestamp to record when the comment was made.
    • API Endpoints:

      • I will create API endpoints to:
        • Add a comment to a task.
        • Edit a comment (if allowed).
        • Delete a comment (if allowed).
        • Retrieve all comments for a task.
  3. Error Handling:

    Proper error handling is crucial for a robust system. So i will consider the following:

    • HTTP Status Codes: I will Use appropriate HTTP status codes to indicate the result of an API request (e.g., 200 for a successful request, 201 for resource creation, 400 for client errors, and 500 for server errors).

    • Error Messages: I will include clear and informative error messages in my API responses. These messages should help developers understand what went wrong and how to fix it.

    • Validation: I will implement input validation to ensure that data sent to my API endpoints is in the correct format and meets any necessary criteria. If validation fails, i will return a 400 Bad Request with details on the validation errors.

    • Authorization: I will implement proper authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure that users can only perform actions they are allowed to. And i will return a 401 Unauthorized or 403 Forbidden status when necessary.

    • Exception Handling: I will handle exceptions gracefully on the server-side to prevent crashes and expose only relevant information to clients. And Log errors for debugging purposes.

    • Rate Limiting: If necessary, I will implement rate limiting to prevent abuse of my API.

    • Testing: I will thoroughly test my error handling by simulating different error scenarios to ensure that my API behaves predictably and securely.

    • Documentation: I will document my API's error handling strategy so that developers using my API understand how to handle errors gracefully.

By implementing these changes to database tables and API endpoints, and by following best practices for error handling, I can create a flexible and robust system that accommodates user customization of stages and supports commenting on tasks while ensuring the security and reliability of the application.



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