aaronvb / nvim

nvim config

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Screen Shot 2020-09-13 at 8 57 28 AM


Base config taken from https://github.com/amix/vimrc

Install neovim:

> brew install neovim

Install pynvim support:

> python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pynvim

Clone repo into ~/.config

> cd ~/.config
> git clone git@github.com:aaronvb/nvim.git

Install plugings:

> curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

:PlugInstall to install all plugins. :CocInstall coc-snippets to install snippet support with coc.nvim

Cheat sheet

Note: leader is ,

,w fast save

:W sudo save

,return clear highlight

# or * searches current selection

ctrl hjkl move between windows

,bd close buffer

,be or ,o opens buffer explorer

,ba close all buffers

,l next buffer

,h previous buffer

,tn tab new

,to tab only

,tc tab close

,tm tab move

,t, tab next

,tl last tab

,te tab edit

,cd switch cwd to directory of open buffer

,ss toggle spell check

,pp toggle paste mode

,g ack

,r (visual) search and replace

,cc brings up ack cope

,n next search result

,p previous search result

,j or ctrl p ctrlP file

,b ctrlP buffer

,f ctrlP recently opened

,nn toggle nerd tree

,nb nerd tree from bookmark

,nf nerd tree reveal file

ctrl s multi select word

,d toggle git gutter

shift k coc toggle lookup documentation

ctrl space coc trigger completion

[g ]g coc to navigate coc diagnostics

gd coc jump to definition

gy coc jump to type definition

gi coc jump to implementation

gr coc jump to references

,rn coc symbol rename

,f coc format selected

,qf coc auto fix current line

,ac coc code action

:Format coc format file (happens automatically on save)

:Fold coc fold file

:OR coc auto add imports (happens automatically on save)

space a coc open diagnostics

space e coc open extensions

space c coc open commands

space o coc open outline

space s coc open symbols


nvim config


Language:Vim Script 100.0%