aaronlsmiles / com.openai.unity

An OpenAI Rest Client for Unity (UPM)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Discord openupm

Based on OpenAI-DotNet

A OpenAI package for the Unity Game Engine to use GPT-3 and Dall-E though their RESTful API (currently in beta). Independently developed, this is not an official library and I am not affiliated with OpenAI. An OpenAI API account is required.

This repository is available to transfer to the OpenAI organization if they so choose to accept it.


Requires Unity 2021.3 LTS or higher.

The recommended installation method is though the unity package manager and OpenUPM.

Via Unity Package Manager and OpenUPM

  • Open your Unity project settings
  • Add the OpenUPM package registry:
    • Name: OpenUPM
    • URL: https://package.openupm.com
    • Scope(s):
      • com.openai
      • com.utilities


  • Open the Unity Package Manager window
  • Change the Registry from Unity to My Registries
  • Add the OpenAI package

Via Unity Package Manager and Git url

  • Open your Unity Package Manager
  • Add package from git url: https://github.com/RageAgainstThePixel/com.openai.unity.git#upm

    Note: this repo has dependencies on other repositories! You are responsible for adding these on your own.


Table of Contents


There are 4 ways to provide your API keys, in order of precedence:

  1. Pass keys directly with constructor
  2. Unity Scriptable Object
  3. Load key from configuration file
  4. Use System Environment Variables

Pass keys directly with constructor

var api = new OpenAIClient("sk-mykeyhere");

Or create a OpenAIAuthentication object manually

var api = new OpenAIClient(new OpenAIAuthentication("sk-secretkey"));

Unity Scriptable Object

You can save the key directly into a scriptable object that is located in the Assets/Resources folder.

You can create a new one by using the context menu of the project pane and creating a new OpenAIConfigurationSettings scriptable object.

Create new OpenAIConfigurationSettings

Load key from configuration file

Attempts to load api keys from a configuration file, by default .openai in the current directory, optionally traversing up the directory tree or in the user's home directory.

To create a configuration file, create a new text file named .openai and containing the line:

Organization entry is optional.

Json format
  "apiKey": "sk-aaaabbbbbccccddddd",
  "organization": "org-yourOrganizationId"
Deprecated format

You can also load the file directly with known path by calling a static method in Authentication:

var api = new OpenAIClient(OpenAIAuthentication.LoadFromDirectory("your/path/to/.openai"));;

Use System Environment Variables

Use your system's environment variables specify an api key and organization to use.

  • Use OPENAI_API_KEY for your api key.
  • Use OPEN_AI_ORGANIZATION_ID to specify an organization.
var api = new OpenAIClient(OpenAIAuthentication.LoadFromEnv());


var api = new OpenAIClient(OpenAIAuthentication.LoadFromEnv("org-yourOrganizationId"));


List and describe the various models available in the API. You can refer to the Models documentation to understand what models are available and the differences between them.

The Models API is accessed via OpenAIClient.ModelsEndpoint

List models

Lists the currently available models, and provides basic information about each one such as the owner and availability.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var models = await api.ModelsEndpoint.GetModelsAsync();

foreach (var model in models)

Retrieve model

Retrieves a model instance, providing basic information about the model such as the owner and permissioning.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var model = await api.ModelsEndpoint.GetModelDetailsAsync("text-davinci-003");

Delete Fine Tuned Model

Delete a fine-tuned model. You must have the Owner role in your organization.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var result = await api.ModelsEndpoint.DeleteFineTuneModelAsync("your-fine-tuned-model");


Given a prompt, the model will return one or more predicted completions, and can also return the probabilities of alternative tokens at each position.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var result = await api.CompletionsEndpoint.CreateCompletionAsync("One Two Three One Two", temperature: 0.1, model: Model.Davinci);

To get the CompletionResult (which is mostly metadata), use its implicit string operator to get the text if all you want is the completion choice.


Streaming allows you to get results are they are generated, which can help your application feel more responsive, especially on slow models like Davinci.

var api = new OpenAIClient();

await api.CompletionsEndpoint.StreamCompletionAsync(result =>
    foreach (var choice in result.Completions)
}, "My name is Roger and I am a principal software engineer at Salesforce.  This is my resume:", maxTokens: 200, temperature: 0.5, presencePenalty: 0.1, frequencyPenalty: 0.1, model: Model.Davinci);

Or if using IAsyncEnumerable{T} (C# 8.0+)

var api = new OpenAIClient();
await foreach (var token in api.CompletionsEndpoint.StreamCompletionEnumerableAsync("My name is Roger and I am a principal software engineer at Salesforce.  This is my resume:", maxTokens: 200, temperature: 0.5, presencePenalty: 0.1, frequencyPenalty: 0.1, model: Model.Davinci))


Given a prompt and an instruction, the model will return an edited version of the prompt.

The Edits API is accessed via OpenAIClient.EditsEndpoint

Create Edit

Creates a new edit for the provided input, instruction, and parameters using the provided input and instruction.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var request = new EditRequest("What day of the wek is it?", "Fix the spelling mistakes");
var result = await api.EditsEndpoint.CreateEditAsync(request);


Get a vector representation of a given input that can be easily consumed by machine learning models and algorithms.

Related guide: Embeddings

The Edits API is accessed via OpenAIClient.EmbeddingsEndpoint

Create Embeddings

Creates an embedding vector representing the input text.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var result = await api.EmbeddingsEndpoint.CreateEmbeddingAsync("The food was delicious and the waiter...");


Given a prompt and/or an input image, the model will generate a new image.

The Images API is accessed via OpenAIClient.ImagesEndpoint

Create Image

Creates an image given a prompt.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var results = await api.ImagesEndPoint.GenerateImageAsync("A house riding a velociraptor", 1, ImageSize.Small);

foreach (var result in results)
    // result.Key == file://path/to/image.png
    // result.Value == The preloaded Texture2D

Edit Image

Creates an edited or extended image given an original image and a prompt.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var results = await api.ImagesEndPoint.CreateImageEditAsync(Path.GetFullPath(imageAssetPath), Path.GetFullPath(maskAssetPath), "A sunlit indoor lounge area with a pool containing a flamingo", 1, ImageSize.Small);

foreach (var result in results)
    // result.Key == file://path/to/image.png
    // result.Value == Texture2D

Create Image Variation

Creates a variation of a given image.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var results = await api.ImagesEndPoint.CreateImageVariationAsync(Path.GetFullPath(imageAssetPath), 1, ImageSize.Small);

foreach (var result in results)
    // result.Key == file://path/to/image.png
    // result.Value == Texture2D


Files are used to upload documents that can be used with features like Fine-tuning.

The Files API is accessed via OpenAIClient.FilesEndpoint

List Files

Returns a list of files that belong to the user's organization.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var files = await api.FilesEndpoint.ListFilesAsync();

foreach (var file in files)
    Debug.Log($"{file.Id} -> {file.Object}: {file.FileName} | {file.Size} bytes");

Upload File

Upload a file that contains document(s) to be used across various endpoints/features. Currently, the size of all the files uploaded by one organization can be up to 1 GB. Please contact us if you need to increase the storage limit.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var fileData = await api.FilesEndpoint.UploadFileAsync("path/to/your/file.jsonl", "fine-tune");

Delete File

Delete a file.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var result = await api.FilesEndpoint.DeleteFileAsync(fileData);

Retrieve File Info

Returns information about a specific file.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var fileData = await GetFileInfoAsync(fileId);
Debug.Log($"{fileData.Id} -> {fileData.Object}: {fileData.FileName} | {fileData.Size} bytes");

Download File Content

Downloads the specified file.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var downloadedFilePath = await api.FilesEndpoint.DownloadFileAsync(fileId, "path/to/your/save/directory");

Fine Tuning

Manage fine-tuning jobs to tailor a model to your specific training data.

Related guide: Fine-tune models

The Files API is accessed via OpenAIClient.FineTuningEndpoint

Create Fine Tune Job

Creates a job that fine-tunes a specified model from a given dataset.

Response includes details of the enqueued job including job status and the name of the fine-tuned models once complete.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var request = new CreateFineTuneRequest(fileData);
var fineTuneJob = await api.FineTuningEndpoint.CreateFineTuneJobAsync(request);

List Fine Tune Jobs

List your organization's fine-tuning jobs.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var fineTuneJobs = await api.FineTuningEndpoint.ListFineTuneJobsAsync();

foreach (var job in fineTuneJobs)
    Debug.Log($"{job.Id} -> {job.Status}");

Retrieve Fine Tune Job Info

Gets info about the fine-tune job.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var result = await api.FineTuningEndpoint.RetrieveFineTuneJobInfoAsync(fineTuneJob);
Debug.Log($"{result.Id} -> {result.Status}");

Cancel Fine Tune Job

Immediately cancel a fine-tune job.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var result = await api.FineTuningEndpoint.CancelFineTuneJobAsync(fineTuneJob);

List Fine Tune Events

Get fine-grained status updates for a fine-tune job.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var fineTuneEvents = await api.FineTuningEndpoint.ListFineTuneEventsAsync(fineTuneJob);
Debug.Log($"{fineTuneJob.Id} -> status: {fineTuneJob.Status} | event count: {fineTuneEvents.Count}");

Stream Fine Tune Events

var api = new OpenAIClient();
await api.FineTuningEndpoint.StreamFineTuneEventsAsync(fineTuneJob, fineTuneEvent =>
    Debug.Log($"  {fineTuneEvent.CreatedAt} [{fineTuneEvent.Level}] {fineTuneEvent.Message}");

Or if using IAsyncEnumerable{T} (C# 8.0+)

var api = new OpenAIClient();
await foreach (var fineTuneEvent in api.FineTuningEndpoint.StreamFineTuneEventsEnumerableAsync(fineTuneJob))
    Debug.Log($"  {fineTuneEvent.CreatedAt} [{fineTuneEvent.Level}] {fineTuneEvent.Message}");


Given a input text, outputs if the model classifies it as violating OpenAI's content policy.

Related guide: Moderations

The Moderations API can be accessed via OpenAIClient.ModerationsEndpoint

Create Moderation

Classifies if text violates OpenAI's Content Policy.

var api = new OpenAIClient();
var response = await api.ModerationsEndpoint.GetModerationAsync("I want to kill them.");


An OpenAI Rest Client for Unity (UPM)

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%