aaronhipple / WordPressBehatExtension

WordPress extension for Behat

Home Page:http://walterdalmut.com/2014/04/06/bdd-wordpress-behat-extension/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WordPress Extension for Behat 3

This is a Behat 3.0 Extension for WordPress plugin and theme development. You can use it to test your WordPress installation, or just test your plugin/theme without installing them in a normal WordPress installation (i.e. stand-alone).

The Extension allows you to use WordPress functions in your context class (if you extend your FeatureContext from StephenHarris\WordPressBehatExtension\Context\WordPressContext).

It also provides other contexts:

  • StephenHarris\WordPressBehatExtension\Context\WordPressAdminContext.php - navigating the WordPress admin
  • StephenHarris\WordPressBehatExtension\Context\WordPressPostListContext.php - default WordPress admin post type page

Version: 0.3.0


This repository started off as a fork of:


  1. Add a composer development requirement for your WordPress theme or plugin:

        "repositories": [
                "type": "vcs",
                "url": "https://github.com/stephenharris/WordPressBehatExtension.git"
        "require-dev" : {
            "StephenHarris/wordpress-behat-extension": "~0.1",
            "johnpbloch/wordpress": "~4.5.2"

    You don't have to install WordPress via composer. But you shall need a path to a WordPress install below.

  2. Add the following Behat configuration file:

            - FeatureContext:
                screenshot_dir: '%paths.base%/failed-scenerios/'
            - WordPressAdminContext
            - WordPressPostListContext
          path: '%paths.base%/vendor/wordpress'
            db: 'wordpress_test'
            username: 'root'
            password: ''
          base_url:    'http://localhost:8000'
          goutte: ~
          selenium2: ~

    changing the directories as appropriate. The screenshot_dir will store screenshots of any failed tests. It will also include the mark-up. This helps you review failed tests and debug the issue.

  3. Install the vendors and initialize behat test suites

    composer update
    # You will need to ensure a WordPress install is available, with database credentials that
    # mach the configuratin file above
    vendor/bin/behat --init
  4. Start your development web server and point its document root to the wordpress directory in vendors (without mail function)

    php -S localhost:8000 -t vendor/wordpress -d disable_functions=mail
  5. Write some Behat features and test them

    Feature: Manage plugins
        In order to manage plugins
        As an admin
        I need to enable and disable plugins
            Given I have a vanilla wordpress installation
                | name          | email                   | username | password |
                | BDD WordPress | your@email.com          | admin    | test     |
            And I am logged in as "admin" with password "test"
        Scenario: Enable the dolly plugin
            Given there are plugins
                | plugin    | status  |
                | hello.php | enabled |
            When I go to "/wp-admin/"
            Then I should see a "#dolly" element
        Scenario: Disable the dolly plugin
            Given there are plugins
                | plugin    | status   |
                | hello.php | disabled |
            When I go to "/wp-admin/"
            Then I should not see a "#dolly" element
  6. Run the tests



The aim of this project is to provide a collection of context classes that allow for easy testing of WordPress' core functionality. Those contexts can then be built upon to test your site/plugin/theme-specific functionality.


A changelog can be found at CHANGELOG.md.

How to help

This project needs a lot of love. The contexts could do we some improved structuring and refactoring to keep things DRYer. It also lacks a consistant coding standard.

You can help by

  • Opening an issue to request a context
  • Submitting a PR to add a context
  • Just using this extension in your development / testing workflow


WordPress extension for Behat


License:MIT License


Language:PHP 92.3%Language:Gherkin 7.7%