aarondfrancis / awesome-geek-podcasts

A curated list of podcasts we like to listen to

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Awesome Geek Podcasts

A curated list of podcasts we like to listen to.

In English

  • ThoughtWorks - A community of passionate individuals whose purpose is to revolutionize software design, creation and delivery, while advocating for positive social change.
  • DevChat.tv - We are programmers. House of Ruby Rogues, Javascript Jabber, IPhreaks, Freelancers' Show, Adventures in Angular and RailsClips.
  • Thoughtbot - We record and release weekly podcasts from thoughtbot on design, Ruby on Rails, iOS, running software companies, and maintaining work/life balance.
  • The Hanselminutes podcast - Fresh Air for Developers.
  • This Developer's Life - A podcast about developers and their lives.
  • Mind the Cloud Podcast - The podcast about the developers and companies using the cloud to create the future.
  • Reply All - Reply All is a show about the internet.
  • ShopTalk Show - Podcast about front end web design, development and UX.
  • Between Screens - Expect to find content about the following topics: Ruby, Rails, Sinatra, Sass, Javascript, Design Patterns, Jekyll, Client-Side Web Apps, Rust, Typography, Git, Responsive Design, Prototyping, Web Design, Type Design and more …
  • Developer Tea - Podcast for web and software developers hosted by a developer that you can listen to in less than 10 minutes.
  • The Cognicast - The Cognicast previously ThinkRelevance: The Podcast is the podcast from the Cognitect family.
  • Functional Geekery - Functional Geeks, Geeking Functionally.
  • Ruby Rogues
  • Ruby5 - The latest news in the Ruby and Rails community.
  • FiveJS - The latest news in the JavaScript community.
  • The Laravel Podcast - The Laravel Podcast brings you Laravel and PHP development news and discussion.
  • The Five-Minute Geek Show - Matt Stauffer, unabashedly geeky, 5 minutes, twice a week. Frontend dev, backend dev, audio, design, podcasts--all fair game.
  • CodeNewbie Podcast - Stories from people on their coding journey.
  • Coding Blocks - Software and Web Programming, security, best practices, Microsoft .NET and more.
  • CodePen Radio - Co-founders of CodePen talk about the ins and outs of running a web software business.
  • Talk Python to Me - Weekly podcast (30 minutes) that covers a wide array of Python topics.
  • Podcast.init - A podcast about Python and the people who make it great.
  • Nodeup - A Node.js Podcast.
  • .NET Rocks! - The internet audio talk show for .NET developer with Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell.
  • RunAs Radio - A weekly Internet Audio Talk Show for IT Professionals working with Microsoft products.
  • Software Engineering Radio - The podcast for professional software developers.
  • Cloudcast - Award-winning podcast on all things | Cloud Computing | AWS Ecosystem | OpenSource | DevOps | AppDev | SaaS | SDN
  • GitMinutes - The show for proficient Git users.
  • Radiolab - Radiolab is a show about curiosity. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience.
  • TechStuff - TechStuff tackles topics ranging from basic electronics to the Large Hadron Collider and everything in between. TechStuff is dedicated to demystifying technology and its role in our society and culture.
  • Fw:Thinking - It's about technology. It's about humanity. It's about our future. It's Fw:Thinking.
  • FLOSS Weekly - Interviews with prominent guests from the free software/open source community.
  • BSDTalk - Talking about the BSD family of free operating systems.
  • BSDNow - A Weekly BSD Podcast - News, Interviews and Tutorials.
  • CppCast - The first podcast by C++ developers for C++ developers.
  • Harry Potter and the methods of rationality - This is an alternate universe story, where Petunia married a scientist. Harry enters the wizarding world armed with Enlightenment ideals and the experimental spirit.
  • HardcoreHistory - In "Hardcore History" the very unconventional Dan Carlin takes his "Martian", outside-the-box way of thinking and applies it to the past.
  • PHP Round Table - The PHP Roundtable is a casual gathering of developers discussing topics that PHP nerds care about
  • The Life Scientific - Professor Jim Al-Khalili talks to leading scientists about their life and work, finding out what inspires and motivates them and asking what their discoveries might do for mankind.
  • The Changelog - Open Source moves fast. Keep up. Releasing a new episode every Friday.
  • React Podcast - Podcast about React.js
  • Linux Outlaws - About anything that runs on Linux, about open source software on other platforms and many other things.
  • The Linux Action Show - Podcast about Linux and Open Source.
  • Creative Coding Podcast - about programming for visual and creative applications.
  • The Web Ahead - Conversations with world experts on changing technologies and future of the web. The Web Ahead is your shortcut to keeping up.
  • The Big Web Show - It's everything web that matters.
  • Voices of the ElePHPant - Interviews with people that are making the PHP community special.
  • Dev Discussions - Discussions over a wide variety of topics including functional programming, domain-driven design, and game development.
  • /dev/hell - Chris Hartjes and Ed Finkler are trapped in Development Hell, where they talk mostly about PHP, web, their development experiences and also with special guests.
  • That Podcast - Beau and Dave talking about life as dads, programmers, and entrepreneurs.
  • Sound Of Symfony - The unofficial Symfony podcast.
  • PHP Town Hall - Town Hall a way for PHP developers to raise questions about current events (or upcoming things) in the PHP community, with different guests each week.
  • The Loosely Coupled Podcast - Jeff Carouth and Matt Frost combine their decades of experience as web developers to talk about developer life.
  • Full Stack Radio - A podcast for developers interested in building great software products.
  • Three Devs and a Maybe - Weekly discussion podcast on all things web development. Topics range from daily developer life, PHP, frameworks, testing, good software design and our experiences using many other programming languages.
  • TTL Podcast - The TTL Podcast, hosted by Rebecca Murphey, features conversations with front-end developers at large organizations about how they do their jobs.
  • DevelopersHangout - Two Developers talk about challeges, articles, news, books and other podcasts that came across their radar every 2 weeks. Laravel, PHP are two key topics, and other great podcasts like the ones listed above.
  • Roots Radio - Roots Radio is a new podcast about the Roots tools, a chance for the Roots team to talk with some folks doing cool things with their own Roots related projects, and general banter about modern web development.

In Portuguese

  • Tecnologicamente Arretado - Agilidade, arquitetura, linguagens e ativismo.
  • Grok Podcast - Tecnologia, empreendedorismo, agilidade e muito mais.
  • DatabaseCast - Primeiro podcast brasileiro sobre bancos de dados.
  • Zone Of Front-Enders - Podcast com enfoque no desenvolvimento front-end da web.
  • Hack n' Cast - Podcast about technology and Open Source/Free software
  • Curto Circuito - Um bate-papo descontraído sobre tecnologia, nerdices e tudo o mais que a curiosidade pedir no melhor estilo "mesa de bar".
  • PHP Do Jeito Certo - Notícias sobre as novidades do PHP para desenvolvedores experientes e iniciantes.
  • PHPSPCast - O podcast do PHPSP, o primeiro podcast brasileiro sobre PHP.

In Spanish

In Russian

  • RWPod - Podcast about world of Ruby and Web technologies.
  • Radio-T - Podcast of weekend. Improvisation on the theme of IT.
  • DevZen Podcast - Podcast about programming, IT and related topics.
  • Razbor Poletov - Podcast about world of Java,technologies and software development.
  • How to make games - Podcast about video games and video games industry.
  • RadioJS - Podcast about web-development, Javascript, Frontend and client-side.
  • uWebDesign - Podcast about web-design, web-development and all IT-related stuff.

In Persian

  • RadioGeek - Yet another podcast for wandering geeks in the intersection of society and technology.

In Swedish

  • Kodsnack - Weekly Swedish podcast about all things code, for coders. Hosted by Fredrik Björeman, Tobias Hieta and Kristoffer Grönlund, with occasional guests.

In French

  • Visual Studio Talk Show - French podcast talking about development with Microsoft technologies. Hosted by Mario Cardinal and Guy Barrette.
  • Blogue Linux - French (Quebec) podcast talking about Linux technologies.

In German

  • GeekWeek - Weekly tech podcast hosted by Frederic Lardinois in the USA, Jean-Claude Frick in Switzerland und Marcus Schuler in Germany. Main topics are 'web' and 'mobile' news.



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A curated list of podcasts we like to listen to
