aalole / myReads

A robust book reading application that keep track of all the books in my Library, categorized them into READ, WANT-TO-READ AND READING.... This is the first official project as an Udacity nanodegree program as a React Engineer.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MyReads Project

# MyReads is a robust book tracking app that track books in Library/shelves.
#The functionality includes
    - ability to move book from one shelve to another
    - add book to any of the shelves
    - removing books from shelve,
    - search books from book store
    - smooth navigation from book page to search page with associated change in url
    - a short footer component with my nickname and github url.

As stated in the guideline instructions to a successful submission. Please follow this step to install and test the project.

  • install all project dependencies with npm install
  • start the development server with npm start


A robust book reading application that keep track of all the books in my Library, categorized them into READ, WANT-TO-READ AND READING.... This is the first official project as an Udacity nanodegree program as a React Engineer.


Language:JavaScript 87.9%Language:CSS 8.7%Language:HTML 3.4%