aalapd / wormpy

A simple Python-based tool designed to scrape websites for content.

Repository from Github https://github.comaalapd/wormpyRepository from Github https://github.comaalapd/wormpy




Wormpy is a Python-based web scraping tool designed to crawl across websites and extract their contents efficiently and respectfully. It now features a discovery mode for comprehensive website crawling, as well as a single-page scraping option. Wormpy can parse sitemaps, handle various content types including HTML and PDF, and respects server resources.

Read the tutorial on how I built the first version of this tool.

For god's sake, make sure you use a VPN when using this! (Get 3 months free with NordVPN by using this link.)

New Features

  • Discovery mode for comprehensive website crawling
  • Single-page scraping option
  • Dynamic scraper allocation based on URL pool size
  • Improved URL pool management
  • Configurable maximum number of URLs to scrape

Existing Features

  • Parallel scraping with asyncio
  • PDF content extraction
  • Sitemap parsing (sitemap.xml, sitemap_index.xml, etc.)
  • Rate limiting to respect server resources
  • Flexible logging
  • Content saved to timestamped files
  • Command-line interface for easy use
  • Image URL detection and skipping
  • Output in CSV or JSON format
  • Discovered URLs listed for each scraped page


  • Python 3.x
  • Required libraries (see requirements.txt)

Install the required libraries using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Clone the repository or download the source code.
  2. Navigate to the directory containing the source code.
  3. Run the program with the following command:
python main.py <url> [--discovery] [--log LOG_LEVEL] [--savename SAVE_DIRECTORY] [--format {csv,json}] [--force {req,sel}]


  • url: Base URL of the website to scrape (required)
  • --discovery: Enable discovery mode to scrape the entire website (optional)
  • --format: Specify the output format, either 'csv' or 'json' (optional, default is 'json')
  • --force: Force scraping with either 'req' for requests or 'sel' for selenium (optional)
  • --log: Set the logging level (optional, default is INFO)
  • --savename: Specify the directory name to save output (optional)


# Scrape a single page
python main.py https://www.example.com --savename example_scrape --format csv

# Scrape the entire website (discovery mode)
python main.py https://www.example.com --discovery --log INFO --format json --force sel

Key Components

  • main.py: Entry point of the application
  • scraper.py: Core scraping logic and scraper management
  • content_processor.py: Processes and extracts text from HTML and PDF content
  • url_processor.py: Processes URLs and extracts links
  • url_tracker.py: Manages the URL pool and tracks visited URLs
  • utils.py: Utility functions
  • config.py: Configuration settings

Error Handling and Logging

Wormpy implements robust error handling and logging throughout the codebase. Errors are caught, logged, and in many cases, the script attempts to continue execution where possible.

Rate Limiting

To be respectful of server resources, Wormpy implements a rate limiter that adds a random delay between requests.

PDF Handling

Wormpy can detect and extract text from PDF files, both from local files and URLs.

URL Processing

  • The tool offers both single-page and full website scraping options.
  • It detects and skips image URLs to avoid unnecessary processing.
  • Suspicious URLs are identified and handled appropriately.


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or encounter any issues, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See the LICENSE file for more details.


Web scraping may be subject to legal and ethical considerations. Always ensure you have permission to scrape a website and that you're complying with the website's robots.txt file and terms of service.


A simple Python-based tool designed to scrape websites for content.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%