aakash-chakraborty1995 / pytorch-faster-rcnn

pytorch based implementation faster rcnn

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1. Introduction

Pytorch based implementation of faster rcnn framework.For details about faster R-CNN please refer to the paper Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks by Shaoqing Ren, Kaiming He, Ross Girshick, Jian Sun

This detection framework has the following features:

  • It can be run as pure python code, and also pure based on pytorch framework, no need to build
  • It is easily trained by only running a train.py script, just set the data root dir
  • It has many backbone networks. like vgg, resnet-fpn, mobilenet, high resolution net(HRNet)
  • It can be a really detection framework. You only need to change super parameters in config file and get different models to compare different model
  • It's memory-efficient (about 3GB for vgg16)

2. Installation

2.1 Prerequisites

  • Python 2.7 or 3.5
  • Pytorch 1.5.1
  • torchvision 0.6.1
  • numpy 1.15.4
  • Pillow 6.1.0
  • pycocotools 2.0
  • matplotlib 3.0.2
  • tensorboardX 2.0
pip install -r requirements.txt

2.2 Code-Preparing

 git clone https://github.com/AlphaJia/pytorch-faster-rcnn.git

3. Data Preparation


3.1 Download the training, validation, test data and annotations
 wget http://images.cocodataset.org/zips/train2017.zip  
 wget http://images.cocodataset.org/zips/val2017.zip
 wget http://images.cocodataset.org/zips/test2017.zip
 wget http://images.cocodataset.org/annotations/annotations_trainval2017.zip
3.2 Extract all of these tars into one directory named COCODevKit
 tar xvf train2017.zip
 tar xvf val2017.zip
 tar xvf test2017.zip
 tar xvf annotations_trainval2017.zip
3.3 Data dir should like this
       |-- train2017
               |-- [xxxxxxxxxxxx].jpg
       |-- val2017
               |-- [xxxxxxxxxxxx].jpg
       |-- test2017
               |-- [xxxxxxxxxxxx].jpg
       |-- annotations
               |-- instances_train2017.json
               |-- instances_val2017.json
               |-- image_info_test2017.json
3.4 modify data_root_dir cfg item in config/train_config.py with /path/COCODevKit/

4. Train

Modify model_save_dir cfg item in config/train_config.py with your own save path and device_name with your own device

  • Train with mobilenet
    Modify backbone cfg item in config/train_config.py with mobilenet, download pretrained weights here, and set backbone_pretrained_weights in config/train_config.py with downloaded path.
 python train.py
  • Train with resnet-fpn
    Modify backbone cfg item in config/train_config.py with resnet50_fpn, download pretrained weights here, and set backbone_pretrained_weights in config/train_config.py with downloaded path
 python train.py
  • Train with vgg16
    Modify backbone cfg item in config/train_config.py with vgg16
 python train.py
  • Train with HRNet
    Modify backbone cfg item in config/train_config.py with HRNe
 python train.py

Weights and tensorboard log will save in your model_save_path dir
you may refer to config/train_config.py for more argument.
Some Key arguments:
--backbone: feature extraction backbone network
--backbone_pretrained_weights: backbone pretrained weights, None or path
--train_horizon_flip_prob: data horizontal flip probability
--num_class: number of classification, including background
--data_root_dir: COCO dataset root dir
--model_save_dir: training weights save path
--device_name: training device
--num_epochs: training epochs

5. Test

Modify model_weights cfg item in config/test_config.py with your trained weights path and gpu_id with your own cuda device ID.
you may refer to config/test_config.py for more argument.
Some Key arguments:
--model_weights: training save path
--image_path: predicted images
--gpu_id: cuda device gpu ID
--num_classes: number of classification, including background
--data_root_dir: COCO dataset root dir

 python test.py

6. Demo


7. Framework Structure


This module includes backbone feature extraction network


This module includes config parameters in training period and testing period

  • test_config: specify config parameters in testing period like model_file, image_path_dir, save_dir, etc.
  • train_config: specify config parameters in training period like backbone network, batch_size, image_path_dir, anchor_size, ect.


This module inherits pytorch dataloader classes, dataset IO.You can also generate your own dataset dataloader IO and put it in this module


This module includes the utils function test(common called unit test, also called UT)

  • anchor_utils_test: some unit testing for utils/anchor_utils.py


This module includes some utilies for image processing, network architectures building, anchor generating, loss function, etc.

  • anchor_utils: some basic function for building anchors
  • im_utils: some basic function for image processing


pytorch based implementation faster rcnn


Language:Python 100.0%