aakarshg / ocs-postgres

Deploying postgres on openshift, to run pgbench through ripsaw

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Deploying postgres on openshift, to run pgbench through ripsaw

Deploying postgres

This deployment assumes that namespace my-ripsaw has already been created.

If it's not created please do so by kubectl create namespace ripsaw

First step is to clone the repository and it can be done as follows:

git clone https://github.com/aakarshg/ocs-postgres.git
cd ocs-postgres

Now that we've cloned the repo, we can start with creating objects required for a postgres deployment on k8s.

Step 1: Creating a service:

kubectl apply -f service.yaml

Step 2: Creating a configmap with the vars The configmap contains useful env variables such as database name, user and password. You can change/add more vars as deemed necessary before creating the configmap.

kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml

Step 3: Creating the statefulset Take a look at the sfset.yaml and you'll notice the commented out lines for the storage, if you've a specific storage class, please update accordingly, as well as the storage size

kubectl apply -f sfset.yaml

Once the steps are followed, you should see the postgres pod up and running as follows:

[root@marquez ocs_pgbench]# kubectl get pods -n my-ripsaw -w
postgres-0   1/1     Running   0          30m

Interacting with postgres

We have placed the postgres statefulset behind the service name postgres, so we can interact with it directly in the same namespace of my-ripsaw using short address of postgres-0.postgres

If interacting from a resource in another namespace then we'll need to use the FQDN, which would be: postgres-0.postgres.my-ripsaw.svc.cluster.local

Updating the cr to run pgbench using ripsaw

The cr for ripsaw to run pgbench against the above database would look like following:

apiVersion: ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/v1alpha1
kind: Benchmark
  name: pgbench-benchmark
  namespace: my-ripsaw
    name: "pgbench"
      timeout: 5
        - 1
        - 2
      threads: 1
      transactions: 10
      cmd_flags: ''
      init_cmd_flags: ''
      scaling_factor: 1
      samples: 2
        - host: postgres-0.postgres # assuming that postgres was deployed in same namespace as ripsaw i.e. my-ripsaw
          user: test # Following the values from the configmap
          password: test
          db_name: testdb


Deploying postgres on openshift, to run pgbench through ripsaw

License:Apache License 2.0