DaVinci Resolve script to render and upload file to an FTP-server. Intended to be run from inside Resolve GUI. Once installed it should be possible to run it from the menu-bar: Workspace -> Scripts
- It gets info about the current project.
- Finds the active timeline, then renders that timeline in the specified format: current version is in XDDCAM MPEG 2, but thats easy to change.
- Once the file is done rendering the script will upload to the specified FTP-server using a password and username. Both encoded as base64. You need to update the script with your info here, or the script will fail.
- Upload progress can be tracked if you open the DaVinci Resolve console: Workspace -> Console.
~/Library/Containers/com.blackmagic-design.DaVinciResolveAppStore/Data/Library/Application\ Support/Fusion/Scripts/Deliver/
~/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Deliver/