aNdr3W03 / Dataset-Google-Data-Analytics

This is a repository for the Google Data Analytics Professional Coursera datasets and resources

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Dataset - Google Data Analytics

This is a repository for the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificates Coursera dataset
Coursera - Google Data Analytics Professional Certificates

Course 3 - Prepare Data for Exploration

Week 3 - Databases: Where data lives
  • C3W3_names (Hands-On Activity Create a custom table in BigQuery)
  • C3W3_student performance data (Hands-On Activity Clean data in spreadsheets with sorting and filtering)
Week 5 - Course challenge
  • C3W5_Scenario 1_Client Email (Course challenge)
  • C3W5_Customer survey data (Course challenge)
  • C3W5_Delivery times distance (Course challenge)
  • C3W5_Junior Data Scientist Job Description (Course challenge)
  • C3W5_Scenario 2_Second Interview Email (Course challenge)

Course 4 - Process Data from Dirty to Clean

Week 1 - The importance of integrity
  • C4W1_June 2014 Invoices (Weekly challenge 1)
Week 2 - Sparkling-clean data
  • C4W2_Data Spreadsheet for Cleaning with Spreadsheets (Hands-On Activity Cleaning data with spreadsheets)
  • C4W2_San Francisco Boba Tea Shop Location Info (Hands-On Activity Clean data with spreadsheet functions)
Week 3 - Cleaning data with SQL
  • C4W3_Customer Table Sheet 1 (Optional Upload the customer dataset to BigQuery)
  • C4W3_Lauren's Furniture Store Transaction Table (Optional Upload the store transactions dataset to BigQuery)
  • C4W3_automobile data (Hands-On Activity Clean data using SQL)
Week 6 - Course challenge
  • C4W6_Meer Kitty Interior Design About Us Page (Course challenge)
  • C4W6_Meer Kitty Interior Design Business Plan (Course challenge)
  • C4W6_Meer Kitty Survey Feedback (Course challenge)
  • C4W6_Spoke Market Research Job Description (Course challenge)
  • C4W6_Email from Recruiter (Course challenge)

Course 5 - Analyze Data to Answer Questions

Week 1 - Organizing data to begin analysis
  • C5W1_Movie Data (Optional Upload the movie dataset to BigQuery)
Week 2 - Formatting and adjusting data
  • C5W2_Dataset for Project_CONCAT function (Hands-On Activity Combine multiple pieces of data)
Week 3 - Aggregating data for analysis
  • C5W3_VLOOKUP Practice Sheet (Hands-On Activity Using VLOOKUP)
  • C5W3_Employees Table - Understanding JOINS (Optional Upload the employee dataset to BigQuery)
  • C5W3_Departments Table - Understanding JOINS (Optional Upload the employee dataset to BigQuery)
  • C5W3_Warehouse Orders - Warehouse (Optional Upload the warehouse dataset to BigQuery)
  • C5W3_Warehouse Orders - Orders (Optional Upload the warehouse dataset to BigQuery)
Week 4 - Performing data calculations
  • C5W4_Working with Conditions (Hands-On Activity Working with conditions)
  • C5W4_Cosmetics Inc. - Sheet1 (Test your knowledge on data calculations)
  • C5W4_Movie Data Starter Project (Hands-On Activity Explore movie data with pivot tables)
  • C5W4_Inventory (Hands-On Activity From spreadsheets to BigQuery)
  • C5W4_Sales (Hands-On Activity From spreadsheets to BigQuery)
  • C5W4_Products (Hands-On Activity From spreadsheets to BigQuery)
  • C5W4_Sample Transaction Table - transactional data format (Weekly challenge 4)
  • C5W4_Retail Sales Data - transactional data format (Weekly challenge 4)
  • C5W4_Movie Data Starter Project (Weekly challenge 4)
  • C5W4_Email From Tayen Bell Directly Dynamic (Course challenge)
  • C5W4_Dynamic Dataset (Course challenge)

Course 6 - Share Data Through the Art of Visualization

Week 1 - Visualizing data
  • C6W1_Making your own visualization - example dataset (Hands-On Activity Making your own visualization)
Week 2 - Creating data visualizations with Tableau
  • C6W2_CO2 Dataset (Hands-On Activity Working with Tableau)
  • C6W2_CO2 (Hands-On Activity Practice linking data in Tableau)
  • C6W2_Energy data (Hands-On Activity Practice linking data in Tableau)
  • C6W2_totalpopulation (Hands-On Activity Practice linking data in Tableau)
  • C6W2_gdptotal (Hands-On Activity Practice linking data in Tableau)
Week 3 - Crafting data stories
  • C6W3_Cosmetics Inc. (Hands-On Activity Creating, filtering, and customizing charts)

Course 7 - Data Analysis with R Programming

Week 2 - Programming using RStudio
  • C7W2_Lesson3 Sandbox (Hands-On Activity R sandbox)
Week 3 - Working with data in R
  • C7W3_Lesson2 Dataframe (Hands-On Activity Create your own data frame)
  • C7W3_Lesson2 Dataframe Solutions (Hands-On Activity Create your own data frame)
  • C7W3_hotel bookings (Hands-On Activity Importing and working with data)
  • C7W3_Lesson2 Import (Hands-On Activity Importing and working with data)
  • C7W3_Lesson2 Import Solutions (Hands-On Activity Importing and working with data)
  • C7W3_hotel bookings (Hands-On Activity Cleaning data in R)
  • C7W3_Lesson3 Clean (Hands-On Activity Cleaning data in R)
  • C7W3_Lesson3 Clean Solutions (Hands-On Activity Cleaning data in R)
  • C7W3_hotel bookings (Hands-On Activity Changing your data)
  • C7W3_Lesson3 Change (Hands-On Activity Changing your data)
  • C7W3_Lesson3 Change Solutions (Hands-On Activity Changing your data)
Week 4 - More about visualizations, aesthetics, and annotations
  • C7W4_hotel bookings (Hands-On Activity Using ggplot)
  • C7W4_Lesson2 GGPlot (Hands-On Activity Using ggplot)
  • C7W4_Lesson2 GGPlot Solutions (Hands-On Activity Using ggplot)
  • C7W4_hotel bookings (Hands-On Activity Aesthetics and visualizations)
  • C7W4_Lesson3 Aesthetics (Hands-On Activity Aesthetics and visualizations)
  • C7W4_Lesson3 Aesthetics Solutions (Hands-On Activity Aesthetics and visualizations)
  • C7W4_hotel bookings (Hands-On Activity Filters and plots)
  • C7W4_Lesson3 Filters (Hands-On Activity Filters and plots)
  • C7W4_Lesson3 Filters Solutions (Hands-On Activity Filters and plots)
  • C7W4_hotel bookings (Hands-On Activity Annotating and saving visualizations)
  • C7W4_Lesson4 Annotations (Hands-On Activity Annotating and saving visualizations)
  • C7W4_Lesson4 Annotations Solutions (Hands-On Activity Annotating and saving visualizations)


This is a repository for the Google Data Analytics Professional Coursera datasets and resources