aN0mad / subtractList

Subtract a list of items from a second list of items

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A script to take a base file and subtract all lines in a second file from the base.


Pipx (Easiest)

If pipx is installed this is the easiest method to use as it should install the package in an automated virtualenv and add the binary to your path.

pipx install .
subtractLists -h

Python virtualenv

If manual python virtual environment management is your thing, here you go.

python -m venv env
source ./env/bin/activate
pip install .
python main -h

System wide

Not recommended unless you want dependency hell

pip install .
python main -h


usage: subtractLists [-h] [-b BASE] [-s SUBTRACT] [--debug]

A script to modify the severity of vulnerabilities within a nessus file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BASE, --base BASE  File to use as the base
  -s SUBTRACT, --subtract SUBTRACT
                        File subtract from the base file
  --debug               Enable debug


Using subtractLists on files of IP addresses

# subtractLists -b base.txt -s sub.txt 
2023-08-24T18:52:16.800116+0000 | INFO | Reading lines from base base.txt
2023-08-24T18:52:16.803874+0000 | INFO | Opening subtraction file sub.txt
2023-08-24T18:52:16.806452+0000 | MODIFICATION | Removing line
2023-08-24T18:52:16.806553+0000 | MODIFICATION | Removing line
2023-08-24T18:52:16.806621+0000 | MODIFICATION | Removing line
2023-08-24T18:52:16.806650+0000 | MODIFICATION | Removing line
2023-08-24T18:52:16.806998+0000 | INFO | Writing output file: base-cleaned.txt
2023-08-24T18:52:16.809633+0000 | FILEWRITE | Writing output file: base-cleaned.txt


Subtract a list of items from a second list of items


Language:Python 87.0%Language:Dockerfile 11.7%Language:Shell 1.3%