hashms runs during a hashcat cracking session and checks the given outfile (-o/--outfile parameter in hashcat) at specified intervals. If the outfile has additional lines (i.e. additional hashes have been cracked) hashms sends a notification via SMS and/or Slack and/or Teams. The intent is to reduce the delay between cracking a hash and follow-on operations, as well as the manual effort involved in checking and re-checking ongoing cracking sessions.
hashms uses Textbelt for SMS. An API key is required for SMS, and a Slack webhook URL is required for Slack messages, and a Teams webhook URL is required for Teams messages.
Clone the repository and install with pipx
pipx install .
# This is an example and is NOT a valid API key.
TextbeltAPI = ddYPuc5sKyfbw7kGGD86eZu2ps336dJ33oPjbzEnjfFUHVR000CKJEI0XmpHGN22fg
PhoneNumber = 1234567890
# This is an example and is NOT a valid Slack webhook.
SlackURL = https://hooks.slack.com/services/ABCDEFGHI/JKLMNOPQR/STUVWXYZ1234567890ABCDEF
SlackUser = Steve
# This is an example and is NOT a valid Teams webhook.
TeamsURL = https://outlook.office.com/webhook/ABCDEFGHI/JKLMNOPQR/STUVWXYZ1234567890ABCDEF
TeamsUser = Steve
Run hashms in a screen, tmux, or other terminal session while hashcat is running and provide it the name of your hashcat outfile to monitor. If you are running on a shared machine, or the user running hashms is different than the user running hashcat, make sure hashms has permissions to read the outfile.
(hashms-py3.11) root@0339621bd5bc:/workspaces/hashms# hashms
usage: hashms [-h] [-o HASHCAT_OUTFILE] [-i CHECK_INTERVAL] [-n NOTIFICATION_COUNT] [--test] [-c CONFIG] [-p PHONE_NUMBER] [-s] [-t] [--procname PROCNAME]
Periodically check hashcat cracking progress and notify of success.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
hashcat outfile to monitor.
Interval in minutes between checks. Default 15.
Cease operation after N notifications. Default 5.
--test Send test message via SMS and/or Slack.Does not count against notifications.
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Use a configuration file instead of command-line arguments.
Phone numer to send SMS to. Format 5551234567.
-s, --slack Send notification to slack channel.
-t, --teams Send notification to teams channel.
--procname PROCNAME Change the binary name of the process to monitor. Default is "hashcat".
hashms -c ./hashms.conf -o /home/pentester/ntlm2-cracked -i 15
Code taken from WJDigby - hashms project