a6b8 / markdown-titles-to-svg-for-ruby

Headline Generator for Github Markdown File to generate beautiful Google Fonts Headlines.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Markdown Titles to .svg for Ruby.

Headline Generator for Github Markdown File to generate beautiful Google Fonts Headlines.

{ font__google_fonts__h1__name: "Permanent Marker" }
{ font__google_fonts__h1__name: "Playfair Display" }
{ font__google_fonts__h1__name: "Roboto Condensed" }
{ font__google_fonts__h1__name: "Sarina" }
{ font__google_fonts__h1__name: "Sonsie One" }
{ font__google_fonts__h1__name: "Trocchi" }
{ font__google_fonts__h1__name: "UnifrakturMaguntia" }
{ font__google_fonts__h1__name: "Zilla Slab Highlight" }

Table of Contents
  1. Examples
  2. Quickstart
  3. Demo
  4. Setup
  5. Process
  6. Functions
  7. Options
  8. Limitations
  9. Contributing
  10. License
  11. Code of Conduct
  12. Support my Work


Single Title

require 'markdown_titles_to_svg'

svg = MarkdownTitlesToSvg.single( 

Generate from Github Markdown

require 'markdown_titles_to_svg'

markdowns = [



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'markdown_headlines_to_svg'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install markdown_headlines_to_svg


A. Implementation


B. Execution


  1. Run Command
mds = [ PATH_FILE1, PATH_FILE2 ]
    options = {}
  1. Prepare (Import) Font
           :h1          :default
            |              |
            | mode         | mode
        ----------     ----------
        |        |     |        |
        v        v     v        v
      Local    Google Fonts   Local
  1. Scrape Titles
    MD_FILE_ 1                                                    QUEUE
    |  img src="../a/c/d/1.svg" alt="# Headline 1" ------|------> [ 0 ] 
    |                                                    |        
    |    MD_FILE_2                                       |        
    |    -----------------------------------------------------   
    |    |  img src="../b/c/d/1.svg" alt="# Headline 2" -----|->  [ 1 ] 
    |----|  ...                                              |   
         |  img src="../c/d/e/2.svg" alt="Title 1" ----------|->  [ 2 ] 
         |  ...                                              |   

    [ 0 ] { text: 'Headline 1', type: :h1, output: '../a/c/d/1.svg' }
    [ 1 ] { text: 'Headline 2', type: :h1, output: '../b/c/d/1.svg' }
    [ 2 ] { text: 'Title 1', type: :default, output: '../c/d/e/2.svg' }
  1. Add Style and Font Options
                                 + user options
{                                   |
    type: :h1, ---------------------|------------------                        
    text: 'Headline 1',             |                 |
    output: '../a/c/d/1.svg',       V                 V
    style: <-------------------- options[ :style ][ :h1 ]
    font: <---------------------- options[ :font ][ :h1 ]
{ ...



Output all Parameter


# => { github: { profile: nil, ...

.generate( [], '', {} )

Generate and store of Titles in all Files

Type Required Description Example Description
markdowns Array (of String) Yes [ '/markdown-titles-to-svg/main/README.md' ] Define List of Markup
github user name String Yes 'a6b8' Set Github User Name
options Hash No 'a6b8' Change default options, see "options" for more Information.

.single( [], '', {} )

Generate a single Title and outputs a svg string.

svg = MarkdownTitlesToSvg.single( 

# => <svg ...
Type Required Description Example Description
headline String Yes 'headline' Set Text of Headline/Title
style Symbol Yes :h1 Set type of style, choose between :h1 and :default
options Hash No {} Change default options, see "options" for more Information.



Nr Name Key Default Type Description
A.1. Source :github__source "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/" String


Nr Name Key Default Type Description
B.1. Text_align :font__text_align left Symbol Set aligment of text
B.2. Bold :font__bold false Boolean Set format of font. If you use Google Fonts try "variant first"
B.3. Mode H1 :font__mode__h1 :google_fonts Symbol Set mode for Headlines. Choose between :local and :google_fonts
B.4. Mode Default :font__mode__default :google_fonts Symbol Set mode for Titles. Choose between :local and :google_font

Import from Local

Nr Name Key Default Type Description
B.5. H1 :font__local__h1 "/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Corbel Bold.ttf" String Set local font for Headline if necessary
B.6. Default :font__local__default "/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Consolas.ttf" String String

Import from "Google Fonts"

Nr Name Key Default Type Description
B.7. H1 Name :font__google_fonts__h1__name "Oswald" String Set Google Fonts font name for Headline
B.8. H1 Variant :font__google_fonts__h1__variant "regular" String Set Google Fonts variant type for headlines
B.9. H1 Subset :font__google_fonts__h1__subset "latin" String Set Google Fonts subset type for headlines
B.10. Default Name :font__google_fonts__default__name "Amatic SC" String Set Google Fonts font name for Titles
B.11. Default Variant :font__google_fonts__default__variant "regular" String Set Google Fonts variant type for titles
B.12. Default Subset :font__google_fonts__default__subset "latin" String Set Google Fonts subset type for titles

Please use https://google-webfonts-helper.herokuapp.com/fonts to find your favorite Font.


Nr Name Key Default Type Description
C.1. Offset Height :view__offset__height 0 Integer Experimental: Set change View Box height
C.2. Offset Widht :view__offset__widht 0 Integer Experimental: Set change View Box width



Nr Name Key Default Type Description
D.1. Color Opacity :style__h1__color__opacity 1.0 Float Change Headline color opacity
D.2. Color Default :style__h1__color__default "#A5834B" String Change Headline fill color
D.3. Color Palette :style__h1__color__palette [] Array Experimental: Set for each character in headline an other color
D.4. Stroke Color :style__h1__stroke__color "none" String Change headline fill color of stroke
D.5. Stroke Width :style__h1__stroke__width "0" String Change headline stroke width
D.6. Stroke Opacity :style__h1__stroke__opacity 1.0 Float Change headline stroke opacity
D.7. Stroke Linecap :style__h1__stroke__linecap "butt" String Change headline stroke width


Nr Name Key Default Type Description
D.8. Color Opacity :style__default__color__opacity 1.0 Float Change Title color opacity
D.9. Color Default :style__default__color__default "#A5834B" String Change Title fill color
D.10. Color Palette :style__default__color__palette [] Array Experimental: Set for each character in titles an other color
D.11. Stroke Color :style__default__stroke__color "none" String Change title fill color of stroke
D.12. Stroke Width :style__default__stroke__width "0" String Change title stroke width
D.13. Stroke Opacity :style__default__stroke__opacity 1.0 Float Change title stroke opacity
D.14. Stroke Linecap :style__default__stroke__linecap "butt" String Change title stroke width

You can find more Information about svg format here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/path


Nr Name Key Default Type Description
E.1. Silent :silent false Boolean Controll console output.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/a6b8/markdown-titles-to-svg-for-ruby. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.

  • Font Types are limited to '.ttf' and '.otf'.
  • Read only Markdown Files from Github.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Statosio project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.

Star us

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Headline Generator for Github Markdown File to generate beautiful Google Fonts Headlines.

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 99.6%Language:Shell 0.4%