An Objective-C implementation of lz-string for Javascript
pod 'LZCompression'
Add the NZString+LZCompression.h and NZString+LZCompression.m files to your project to use the new LZCompression category on NSString.
Text can be compressed to UTF16 only characters by using the compressLZToUTF16 method instead of the regular compressLZ method.
NSString *input = @"String that should be compressed";
NSString *lzCompressedInput = [input compressLZ];
NSString *lzCompressedInputBase64Coded = [input compressToBase64];
NSString *lzCompressedUTF16Input = [input compressLZToUTF16];
NSString *output = [lzCompressedInput decompressLZ];
NSString *outputFromCompressedBase64 = [lzCompressedInputBase64Coded decompressFromBase64];
NSString *outputFromUTF16 = [lzCompressedUTF16Input decompressLZFromUTF16];
A big thanks to Saumitra Bhave for implementing additional functionality from the original implementation.