a2aaron / css-inline

Inline CSS into style attributes

Home Page:https://docs.rs/css-inline

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A crate for inlining CSS into HTML documents. It is built with Mozilla's Servo project components.

When you send HTML emails, you need to use "style" attributes instead of "style" tags. For example, this HTML:

        <style>h1 { color:blue; }</style>
        <h1>Big Text</h1>

Will be turned into this:

        <h1 style="color:blue;">Big Text</h1>

To use it in your project add the following line to your dependencies section in the project's Cargo.toml file:

css-inline = "0.8"

Minimum Supported Rust Version is 1.54.


const HTML: &str = r#"<html>
    <style>h1 { color:blue; }</style>
    <h1>Big Text</h1>

fn main() -> Result<(), css_inline::InlineError> {
    let inlined = css_inline::inline(HTML)?;
    // Do something with inlined HTML, e.g. send an email

Features & Configuration

css-inline can be configured by using CSSInliner::options() that implements the Builder pattern:

const HTML: &str = "...";

fn main() -> Result<(), css_inline::InlineError> {
    let inliner = css_inline::CSSInliner::options()
    let inlined = inliner.inline(HTML);
    // Do something with inlined HTML, e.g. send an email
  • inline_style_tags. Whether to inline CSS from "style" tags. Default: true
  • remove_style_tags. Remove "style" tags after inlining. Default: false
  • base_url. Base URL to resolve relative URLs. Default: None
  • load_remote_stylesheets. Whether remote stylesheets should be loaded or not. Default: true
  • extra_css. Additional CSS to inline. Default: None


There are bindings for Python and WebAssembly in the bindings directory.

Command Line Interface

css-inline provides a command-line interface:

css-inline --help

css-inline inlines CSS into HTML documents.

   css-inline [OPTIONS] [PATH ...]
   command | css-inline [OPTIONS]

        An HTML document to process. In each specified document
        "css-inline" will look for all relevant "style" and "link"
        tags, will load CSS from them and then inline it to the
        HTML tags, according to the corresponding CSS selectors.
        When multiple documents are specified, they will be
        processed in parallel, and each inlined file will be saved
        with "inlined." prefix. E.g., for "example.html", there
        will be "inlined.example.html".

        Whether to inline CSS from "style" tags. The default
        value is `true`. To disable inlining from "style" tags
        use `--inline-style-tags=false`.

        Remove "style" tags after inlining.

        Used for loading external stylesheets via relative URLs.

        Whether remote stylesheets should be loaded or not.

        Additional CSS to inline.

Extra materials

If you want to know how this library was created & how it works internally, you could take a look at these articles:


If you have anything to discuss regarding this library, please, join our gitter!


Inline CSS into style attributes


License:MIT License


Language:Rust 79.7%Language:Python 17.9%Language:CSS 1.2%Language:TypeScript 0.9%Language:Shell 0.3%