a-rustacean / a-rustacean

A rustacean's github profile

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πŸ‘‹ Hello, I'm Dilshad

Profile Views Twitter: @a_rustacean

let personality = Personality::Introvert;
let interests = vec!["Rust", "Web Development", "Automation", "Neovim"];
let passion = Passion::Networking;
let coding_experience = HashMap::from([
    ("Rust", 2),
    ("JavaScript", 4),
    ("React", 3),
    ("HTML", 4),
    ("CSS", 4)

🌟 What I Bring to the Table

  • πŸ’Ό Proficient in Rust: With 2 years of hands-on experience, I excel in leveraging Rust to solve diverse challenges.
  • πŸ’» Web Development: My 4-year journey in JavaScript, React, HTML, and CSS empowers me to build robust, interactive web applications.
  • πŸ”§ Automation Enthusiast: Passionate about streamlining processes, I love automating tasks to boost productivity.
  • 🌐 Networking Geek: My fascination with networking motivates me to explore efficient and secure network solutions.

Let's connect and explore potential collaborations to turn innovative ideas into reality! πŸš€

GitHub followers


πŸ“Š Here are some GitHub statistics showcasing my contributions and activity. Take a look!


Dilshad's GitHub stats-Dark Dilshad's GitHub stats-Light

Dilshad's top languages-Dark Dilshad's top languages-Light


A rustacean's github profile