Zvyozdo4ka / FLAME-Universe

Summary of publicly available ressources such as code, datasets, and scientific papers for the FLAME 3D head model

Home Page:http://flame.is.tue.mpg.de/

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🔥 FLAME Universe 🔥

This repository presents a list of publicly available ressources such as code, datasets, and scientific papers for the 🔥 FLAME 🔥 3D head model. We aim at keeping the list up to date. You are invited to add missing FLAME-based ressources (publications, code repositories, datasets) either in the discussions or in a pull request.


Never heard of FLAME?

FLAME is a lightweight and expressive generic head model learned from over 33,000 of accurately aligned 3D scans. FLAME combines a linear identity shape space (trained from head scans of 3800 subjects) with an articulated neck, jaw, and eyeballs, pose-dependent corrective blendshapes, and additional global expression blendshapes. For details please see the scientific publication. FLAME is publicly available under Creative Commons Attribution license.


List of public repositories that use FLAME (alphabetical order).
  • BFM_to_FLAME: Conversion from Basel Face Model (BFM) to FLAME.
  • DECA: Reconstruction of 3D faces with animatable facial expression detail from a single image.
  • diffusion-rig: Personalized model to edit facial expressions, head pose, and lighting in portrait images.
  • EMOCA: Reconstruction of emotional 3D faces from a single image.
  • EMOTE: Emotional speech-driven 3D face animation.
  • expgan: Face image generation with expression control.
  • FaceFormer: Speech-driven facial animation of meshes in FLAME mesh topology.
  • FLAME-Blender-Add-on: FLAME Blender Add-on.
  • flame-fitting: Fitting of FLAME to scans.
  • FLAME_PyTorch: FLAME PyTorch layer.
  • GANHead Animatable neural head avatar.
  • GIF: Generating face images with FLAME parameter control.
  • INSTA: Volumetric head avatars from videos in less than 10 minutes.
  • INSTA-pytorch: Volumetric head avatars from videos in less than 10 minutes (PyTorch).
  • learning2listen: Modeling interactional communication in dyadic conversations.
  • MICA: Reconstruction of metrically accurated 3D faces from a single image.
  • metrical-tracker: Metrical face tracker for monocular videos.
  • NED: Facial expression of emotion manipulation in videos.
  • Next3D: 3D generative model with FLAME parameter control.
  • neural-head-avatars: Building a neural head avatar from video sequences.
  • photometric_optimization: Fitting of FLAME to images using differentiable rendering.
  • RingNet: Reconstruction of 3D faces from a single image.
  • ROME: Creation of personalized avatar from a single image.
  • SAFA: Animation of face images.
  • Semantify: Semantic control over 3DMM parameters.
  • SPECTRE: Speech-aware 3D face reconstruction from images.
  • TRUST: Racially unbiased skin tone extimation from images.
  • TF_FLAME: Fit FLAME to 2D/3D landmarks, FLAME meshes, or sample textured meshes.
  • video-head-tracker: Track 3D heads in video sequences.
  • VOCA: Speech-driven facial animation of meshes in FLAME mesh topology.


List of datasets with meshes in FLAME topology.
  • BP4D+: 127 subjects, one neutral expression mesh each.
  • CoMA dataset: 12 subjects, 12 extreme dynamic expressions each.
  • D3DFACS: 10 subjects, 519 dynamic expressions in total.
  • FaceWarehouse: 150 subjects, one neutral expression mesh each.
  • FaMoS: 95 subjects, 28 dynamic expressions and head poses each, about 600K frames in total.
  • Florence 2D/3D: 53 subjects, one neutral expression mesh each.
  • FRGC: 531 subjects, one neutral expression mesh each.
  • LYHM: 1216 subjects, one neutral expression mesh each.
  • Stirling: 133 subjects, one neutral expression mesh each.
  • VOCASET: 12 subjects, 40 speech sequences each with synchronized audio.


List of FLAME-based scientific publications.








Summary of publicly available ressources such as code, datasets, and scientific papers for the FLAME 3D head model
